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弗洛依德的另一个故事。One other thing on Freud.

那是一场西格蒙德弗洛伊德的战争。That war was Sigmund Freud.

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你们谁是弗洛依德专家呢?Who's your expert on Freud?

弗洛伊德承认这一点。Now Freud acknowledges this.

你们这里有谁是精神分析方面的专家吗“Who's your expert on Freud?"

“我们所有的人”,弗洛依德意指“人们”。By "all of us, " Freud meant "men.

我怎么能上弗洛依德的课呢?How could I take classes on Freud?

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这确实是佛洛伊德的先知之明。This is certainly what Freud foresaw.

弗洛伊德的问题是这样的。And the problems with Freud go like this.

西格蒙德·弗洛伊德患有蕨类植物恐惧症。Sigmund Freud had a morbid fear of ferns.

弗洛依德有很多关于宗教的说法。And Freud had a lot to say about religion.

弗洛伊德医生被培训成为一个神经科专家。Doctor Freud was trained as a neurologist.

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如果问西格蒙德·弗洛伊德“人类为什么会做梦?”If you asked Sigmund Freud "why do we dream?

弗洛伊德是一位雄心勃勃的优秀学生。Freud was a good student, and very ambitious.

那就是佛洛伊德如何再一次拯救父亲的方式。That is how Freud saves the Father once again.

你是谁?他妈的弗洛伊德?What are you, Sigmund Sawed-off Fucking Freud?

这也是大家对弗洛伊德的主要批评之一。And this is one of the main critiques of Freud.

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布律尔的医生朋友来看弗洛伊德,说起他正在治疗的一个女孩。He told Freud about a girl he was looking after.

创建者包括弗洛伊德,荣格以及阿德勒。The work of Freud , Jung , Adler to some extent.

弗洛伊德举出的一个典型例子,就是同性恋的欲望。A classic example for Freud is homosexual desires.