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剖检可见呼吸系统有严重感染。At necropsy the respiratory system is severely affected.

实验动物之活体解剖及死体解剖之检查。Necropsy of animals or postmortem examination of animals.

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对称中心必须与质量中心重合。At necropsy the heart weight is usually well above average.

尸检时,可发现心脏重量大大超过平均重量。At necropsy the heart weight is usually well above average.

胎儿尸检显示非特异性自溶现象。Necropsy of the fetus reveals autolysis which is nonspecific.

所得的结果与传统尸检解剖资料进行相关统计学分析。The results were classificated and compared with the former necropsy data.

尸检发现病人还患过结核病。一般用来表示“患……病而卧床”或“卧病在床”。On necropsy the patient was found to have been infected with tuberculosis as well.

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随影像学发展和尸解病例增多,血管性帕金森综合征已渐为人们所认识。Vascular parkinsonism is generally well known with development of imaging and necropsy.

早期尸僵和迅速自溶解提醒必须迅速进行剖检。Early rigor mortis and rapid autolysis indicate the need for prompt necropsy examinations.

这只猫的验尸结果表明,其肺组织的损伤情况与人类中由H5N1造成的损伤类似。Necropsy of the sick cats revealed lung tissue damage similar to that caused by H5N1 in humans.

对SLE尸体检验后的各系统所取组织进行常规HE染色,光学显微镜观察。The histologies of necropsy SLE were examined by means of routine HE staining and light microscope.

在兽医领域的经验包括人工授精、胚胎移植、子宫冲洗以及尸体剖检。Her veterinary skills include artificial insemination, embryo transfer, uterine flushing, and necropsy.

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Lingenfelser说这个男性海豚宝宝的尸体将被送往国家海洋渔业实验室进行尸验。He said the body of the male calf was being sent to a National Marine Fisheries laboratory for a necropsy.

对SLE尸体检验后的各系统所取组织进行常规HE染色,光学显微镜观察。Methods The histologies of necropsy SLE were examined by means of routine HE staining and light microscope.

在进行完整的尸检之前,几乎无从知晓马乔B的死是否与其落入陷阱有关。Without the full necropsy it is impossible to know whether Macho B’s death was related to his being snared.

动物园发言人称将会进行尸检来确定这个4岁大的北极熊的死因。The zoo spokesperson said a necropsy will be performed to determine the cause of death of the four-year-old bear.

静脉接种仔猪,0小时左右发病,发病后引起与自然病例相同的临床症状及剖检变化。After vein injection in pigling for 0 hours, the pig begin to present the same symptom and necropsy as the natural case.

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静脉接种仔猪,40小时左右发病,发病后引起与自然病例相同的临床症状及剖检变化。After vein injection in pigling for 40 hours, the pig begin to present the same symptom and necropsy as the natural case.

装在玻璃管中的灭菌棉签适合干剖检时用来采集接种物。Sterile cotton-tipped applicators in individual glass tubes can be conveniently used to obtain inoculum during the necropsy.

剖检由于间发性疾病死亡的病牛,凡是囊尾幼虫侵袭的组织应该一律通过焚化或深埋予以销毁。At necropsy cattle dead from intercurrent disease cysticerci infested tissues should be destroyed by incineration or deep burial.