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蛛网逃生。Survive a spiderweb.

我能幸免于死吗Do I survive my death?

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我们需要空气幸存。We need air to survive.

你们是怎么度过的?How do you survive that?

哎呀我的妈呀,我希望我能活到那时候!I hope I can survive it!

我能从死亡中幸免吗Will I survive my death?

我能幸存于一死吗Could I survive my death?

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在我死后我能幸存吗?Could I survive my death?

我们能幸免于死吗Do we survive our deaths?

我能幸免一死吗Might I survive my death?

死后我能否幸存"Could I survive my death?"

幽默是生存之道。Humor is a way to survive.

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没有它你照样生存。You can survive without it.

我能不能活过周末?Could I survive the weekend?

我要怎么继续生存?How do I ever, ever survive?

如果我跳下去还会有命吗?。If I jumped, would I survive?

解开那疑团并活下来。Solve the puzzle and survive.

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对于我来说什么才是存在?What is it for me to survive?

在探讨"我是否能够幸存"之前Before we ask, "Do I survive?"

我要怎么捱过期末考?How can I survive final exams?