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又杀巴珊王噩,因他的慈爱永远长存。And og king of basha n--his love endures forever.

从江县城打车到岜沙,只不过半个小时车程。It took only half an hour by taxi from Congjiang county to Basha.

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从江县岜沙苗家村寨像一片绿叶静静的卧在崇山峻岭深处。The village Basha lies deep in lofty mountains, like a piece of green leaf.

岜沙苗寨像一片绿叶静静的卧在崇山峻岭深处。Basha Miao Village is lying quietly, like a green leaf in the deep mountains.

我非常想去拜访这群苗家人。三苗网里有岜沙苗族网友吗?I would like to visit this group of Miao very much. Do we have any Basha Miao in 3miao?

他说,巴沙为“给那些生活在最黑暗最危险地方的孩子们带去欢笑和幸福而活”。He said Basha "lived to make children laugh and happy in the darkest, most dangerous place. ""

巴沙的一位同事告诉美联社,她会记住巴沙,这位热爱和孩子打交道的朋友。A co-worker of Basha told the AP she will remember him as a friend who loved his work with children.

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假如你有机会到笆沙村游玩,有趣的镰刀理发,你敢不敢抢“鲜”尝试?If you have the chance to have a visit in Basha Village, do you dare to have a try of haircut by sickle?

1989年秋天,我走进岜沙古村与苗族同胞结下了深情。The fall of 1989, I went into Basha old village and forged a profound friendship with the Miao Compatriots.

他们得了他的地,又得了巴珊王噩的地,就是两个亚摩利王,在约旦河东向日出之地。They took possession of his land and the land of og king of basha n the two amorite kings east of the jordan.

岜沙人自古以来崇拜树,最盛大的祭祀仪式就是拜树神。People of Basha have always worshipped trees since ancient times. The most important sacrificial ceremony here is to worship the God of Tree.

中国最后一个扛枪部落——贵州省黔东南从江县笆沙村的苗族村民现在也是用镰刀理发的。It is still being in use by the last nationality carrying the guns---Miao Villagers from Basha Village, Congjiang County, southeast of Guizhou Province.

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巴沙里说,绑架过程中没有人员伤亡,被绑人员也未受到伤害,目前健康状况良好,当局正在尽力营救。Basha says, there were no casualties during the kidnapping, who has not been tied to injury, is currently in good health, the authorities are trying to rescue.

巴沙利说,袭击是由5名配备武装的自杀式袭击者发动的。4名恐怖分子在与警方交火时因所穿的自杀背心引爆而丧生。Basha Li said the attack by five suicide bombers armed with launched. 4 terrorists in exchange of fire with the police due to the suicide vest detonated worn died.

岜沙人认为,他们的祖先是从树心中生出来的,所以死后也要回到树中,这便是岜沙人千百年来实施树葬的根源。People of Basha believe that their ancestor was born from trees and thus he should go back to trees after death. That's why Basha people have kept the tradition of "tree burial".

从分析竹类种群的生命周期出发,并以大熊猫主食竹种冷箭竹的种群动态研究为例,建立了竹类种群动态的理论模式。This paper made a study on the life cycle of basha nia fabri which is staple food for ailuropoda melanoleuca and put forward the model of theory of bamboo population development.

寂静了数千年的古老山寨迅速与城市缩短了差距,并且逐步发展成为了中国著名的人文旅游景点。The gap between city and the old mountain village which has been silenced for thousands of years is beginning to close, and Basha is developing into a famous tourist scenic spot in China.

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另外,巴沙里说,警方共俘获767名塔利班和其他反政府武装人员,发现并拆除749枚路边炸弹和简易爆炸装置,收缴477件武器。In addition, the Basha says, the police captured 767 Taliban and other anti-government armed groups, and found and removed 749 roadside bombs and improvised explosive devices, and seized 477 weapons.