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约,负责在新界区的被扣押处所提供护卫服务。Services at distraint premises in the New Territories.

对作为证据使用的扣押物品,应当随案移送。The distraint as evidence shall be transferred with the case.

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领取人应当在返还款物清单上签名或者盖章。The recipients shall sign or affix their seals to the list of returned distraint.

对不宜移送的,应当将其清单、照片或者其他证明文件随案移送。If the distraint is not suitable for transference, the list and photos of the distraint and other proof documents may be transferred with the case.

需要返还犯罪嫌疑人的,应当解除冻结并返还其合法继承人。In case the distraint shall be returned to the criminal suspect, said distraint shall be returned to his or her legitimate heirs after the distraint is unfrozen.

人民法院调查核实证据,可以进行勘验、检查、扣押、鉴定和查询、冻结。The people's court, when investigating and verifying the evidence, may conduct inquest and inspection, effect distraint , make expert evaluation and inquiry, and freeze.

需要返还犯罪嫌疑人的,应当解除冻结并返还犯罪嫌疑人或者其合法继承人。If the distraint need to be returned to the criminal suspect, the freezing shall be cancelled before the distraint is returned to the criminal suspect or his or her legal heirs.

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负责保管扣押、冻结涉案款物的管理部门会同办案部门办理相关的处理手续。The management department in charge of keeping the distraint involved in cases work together with the department of handling cases to go through the relevant formalities of disposal.

因其他原因撤销案件的,直接通知冻结机构上缴国库或者返还被害人。If a case is dropped owing to other reasons, the people's procuratorate directly notifies the freezing bodies to hand over the distraint to the national treasure or return to the victim.

原单位已不存在或者虽然存在但对被贪污、挪用的款项已经作为损失核销的,应当上缴国库。If the original entity has ceased to exist or it exists but it has been written off the corrupted and misappropriated funds as losses, the distraint shall be handed over to the national treasure.

第三十三条处理扣押、冻结的涉案款物,应当由办案部门提出意见,报请检察长决定。Article 33 When disposing the distraint involved in cases, the department of handling cases shall put forward opinions which is subsequently submitted to the procurator-general for making a decision.