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窗外,天在冥冥处破晓,一刹那的光亮,在似有似无的天堂蔓延着。Out the window, day in jis at dawn, a moment of light, indistinct in the spread of the heaven.

试验结果表明,该弹性装饰涂料各项性能指标达到并超过了日本JIS国际标准。The results show that all of the property index of the decorative coating has come up to and surpassed the international standard JIS of Japan.

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允强及彰源公司都是专业的不锈钢钢管制造商,产品质量符合CNS,JIS及ASTM等国家规范标准。YEUN CHYANG and FROCH are specialized manufacturer for stainless steel tube and pipe. Products are in conformity with CNS, JIS and ASTM standards.

喧嚣变得万籁俱静,零九年的傍晚伴着冥冥钟声,我持笔撰构牛年最后一页日记。Blues Wong, Mandala Ju noise becomes quiet, in 2009 in the evening accompanied by jis bell, I hold a pen essays conformation Year of the Ox last diary.

阮籍饮酒与作诗共同的深层心理基础是积聚在其内心深处的强烈的冲创意志。The deep psychological foundation of Ruan JIs poetic creation and drink was the strong will of advancing and creation accumulated in the bottom of his heart.

企业专业生产各类螺母、螺杆,包括德制、美制、英制、日制、意制等标准,还生产各类非标产品。The factory is specializing in producing kinds of nuts and threaded rods of DIN, ANSI, BSW, JIS and UNC standards. And non-standard fasteners are also our main products.

本厂致力于开发生产各档自行车铝闸把,自行车立管自行车及注塑件冲压件等多种产品,质量达到日本JIS标准和德国工业标准。The factory is producing kinds of bicycle handle, stand pipe, punched piece and other products. The quality reach JIS standard of Japan and industrial standard of German.

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企业专业生产各类螺母、螺杆,包括德制、美制、英制、日制、意制、国际通用等标准,还生产各类非标产品。The factory is specializing in producing kinds of nuts and threaded rods of DIN, ANSI, BSW, JIS and UNI and ISO standards. And non-standard fasteners are also our main products.

通过在氯化钙水溶液中添加缓蚀剂及对常用金属的防腐蚀性能研究,确定了该溶液作为防冻液的最佳配方。Experimental results show that suitable corrosion inhibitors can not only make the function of the anti-icing fluid reach the standard of JIS and ASTM but also drop the freezing point.

我国商主体资格取得的规定散见于商事法律法规中,没有统一的规定,因此,出现了一些问题亟待解决。Our country company the corpus qualifications obtain of rules' spreading Be seen to company matter law laws in, don't unify of rules, therefore, appeared some problem Jis to need solution.

公司致力于开发生产各档自行车铝闸把,自行车立管及童车铝盖板等多种产品,质量达到日本JIS标准和德国工业标准。The company is producing kinds of bicycle handle, stand pipe, baby carrier aluminosilicate cover board and other products. The quality reach JIS standard of Japan and industrial standard of German.