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这种说法很可能是不真实的。This assertion is likely untrue.

可能是一个立场自由的主张。It might be a free standing assertion.

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但如果断言失败,会发生什么?But what happens if an assertion fails?

你可以添加一个断言到任何取样器。You can add an assertion to any Sampler.

难道苟且的活着是一种生命的维护吗?Is the inability live an assertion of life?

卢克的报告似乎更支持了这种说法。Luke’s report seems to back up that assertion.

使徒保罗所说的范围何其广阔!How wide is this assertion of the Apostle Paul!

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这句晦涩的话,下文将有说明。This dark assertion will be illuminatd later on.

而任何相反的论断都是完全不真实的。Any assertion to the contrary is simply not true.

8月12日声明包括如下主张The August 12th statement included this assertion.

法国海军反对该网站的断言。The French navy rejected the Web site's assertion.

应用程序获得断言的标识。The application acquires the identity for assertion.

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在听证会上,布莱尔并未直接回应范斯坦参议员的评论。Blair did not directly address the senator's assertion.

使用基于内容的断言来路由索赔请求。Use content-based assertion for routing claim requests.

右手戴戒指,这已成为自由女性的新主张?。Right-hand rings are the new assertion of female freedom.

代码的重新运行的结果是一个成功的声明。And a rerun of the code results in a successful assertion.

过多的自作多情是在乞求对方的施舍。Too much self- assertion is begging each other 's charity.

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没人有主张金融市场的公共利益。No assertion of the public interest over financial markets.

身份验证断言的格式可以由用户决定。The format of the authentication assertion can be externalized.

第二个发布者的回应是添加相同的声明。The second publisher reciprocates by adding the same assertion.