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双级压缩复叠式热泵系统的最突出特点就是中冷器。The most important part of the system of TCCH is intercooler.

介绍了关于中间冷却器功能和再加热功能的控制方法。Methods of control are presented for both the intercooler and reheat functions.

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以压缩机管壳式冷却器为例,分析了其失效原因。Take compressor's intercooler for example, main reasons of failure is analyzed.

另一个可调的参数是中间冷却器。让我们在下一页了解它。Another optional feature is the intercooler. We'll take a look at one on the next page.

但是,如果你有360冷的一个艰难的适应,但将作为广告单元。However if you got a 360 intercooler its a tough fit but it will snap on as advertised.

找到了适合能源梯级利用的中冷器的结构形式。At last, the more suitable structure of intercooler to the step utilization of the energy is designed.

其他调整包括一个新的中间和一个高性能排气系统的催化剂。Other adjustments include a new intercooler and a high performance exhaust system with racing catalysts.

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公司拥有年生产能力达10万台的水—空、空—空中冷器生产流水线。Company have Water -Air intercooler producing Line and Air-Air intercooler producing Line with 100000 sets.

提出青藏铁路机车柴油机空空中冷装置总体布置方案。The general arrangement design of the air-air intercooler for Qinghai-Tibet locomotive diesel engine is given.

在中冷器的设计方面具有明显的优点,为同类紧密型换热器的产品优化设计提供了参考。The method has many visible advantages and supplies the valuable references to the optimal design of intercooler.

机油冷却器是柴油机润滑系统中降低机油温度的有效手段。The motor oil intercooler is one of reducing the oil temperature's effective methods in diesel engine lubrication system.

中间冷却器是一种特殊的散热器,压缩空气在进入气缸前通过它降温。An intercooler is a special radiator through which the compressed air passes to cool it off before it enters the cylinder.

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采用抽换散热单节进行中冷器修复后无裂漏,并降低了检修成本。Using replacement of cooling section to repair intercooler resulted in free crack and leakage, and lower maintenance cost.

采用IFA300恒温式HWFA的一维探头对中冷器通道内流场进行了测试研究。One-dimensional probes of IFA300 isothermal HWFA were used to measure and study the flow field in the channel of an air-to-air intercooler.

成功试制出青藏铁路公务动车用空空中冷器并完成线路运行试验。The air-air intercooler for Qinghai-Tibet railway official service carriage has been developed and the running test on line has been completed.

介绍了中冷器抽换散热单节的氩弧焊接工艺,分析了中冷器抽换散热单节的焊接特点以及焊接性。The argon arc welding process after replacement of intercooler cooling section was presented. The welding feature and weldability were analyzed.

中间冷却器通过降低降低压缩空气的温度,使更凉的空气进入引擎,来提升引擎的动力。The intercooler further increases the power of the engine by cooling the pressurized air coming out of the compressor before it goes into the engine.

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介绍热管及热管换热器的特点,设计了试验用热管中冷器。This article introduces the characteristics of the heat pipe and heat-pipe heat-exchanger, and the author designed a heat-pipe intercooler for experiment.

这些包括增加空气铲子在阀盖增加为冷器和根尖前雾灯在某种模式,根据等级。These include the addition of an air scoop on the bonnet to increase air-flow for the intercooler and front fog lamps on certain models, according to grade.

铝板翅式中冷器是最近发展起来的一种重量轻、传热系数高、结构紧凑的新型中冷器。Aluminium plain plate-corrugated fin type intercooler of low-weight, high heat transfer capability and compact size has been newly developed in recent years.