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保罗是个迷人的帅哥。Paul is a heartbreaker.

大卫长得很帅。David is really a heartbreaker.

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令人伤心的时候到了。Heartbreaker your time has come.

可能你就是最近那个伤心的人。Maybe your most recent heartbreaker?

哦,你为什么要一个令人伤心?Why do you have to be a heartbreaker?

黄泰京你真是闹木的有爱。You are ma heartbreaker but I love you.

你知道吗?她长大后一定会使很多男人心碎的。You know what? She is gonna be a heartbreaker.

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你们绝对不会是让我心碎的人。You aren't my heart heart heart heart heartbreaker.

别跟约翰太亲近,他是一个常伤别人心的人。Don't get too intimate with John. He's a heartbreaker.

桑迪是绝望地投入到了令人伤心的丹尼。Sandy was Hopelessly Devoted to the Heartbreaker Danny.

他女朋友有一箩筐,有点算是万人迷了。He has a lot of girlfriends and is a bit of a heartbreaker.

这对夫妇有一个非常漂亮的女儿,我相信有一天这个姑娘会成为一个万人迷的。They have a very beartiful daughter who will be a heartbreaker one day.

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是年轻啊呼吸,让我们看到他努力的生长。Heartbreaker young ah Breathe, let we see the growth of him and efforts.

他现在是个可爱的男孩,但我知道,他长大后肯定是个让女孩心碎的男人。He is only a cute little boy now, but I know he'll grow up to be a heartbreaker.

我前男友是如此残酷的负心汉以致于他几乎毁了我的生活。My ex-boyfriend was such a cruel heartbreaker that he nearly ruined my whole life.

对于球迷的“弱者”这是一个人,亚利桑纳州无法坚持在比赛的最后阶段。For fans of the"underdog" it was a heartbreaker as Arizona was unable to hold on late in the game.

为了使玛雅历法的一个完结日与围绕着的以欧洲为基础的格里高利体系等同,已经让天文学家们伤透了脑筋。Equating an end-date for the Mayan calendar round with a date in the European-based Gregorian system has been a heartbreaker for astronomers.

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相反,当他握住汉娜的手做保证时,责怪和粗鲁的手指往往指向了伤心欲绝的自己。Instead, the finger of blame and ridicule ends up each time pointing to the charismatic heartbreaker himself, as he bids to vouch for Hannah's hand.