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这一位置是最高点。That location is a meridian point.

欢迎到访铭鼎集团网站!Welcome to Meridian Industries Group!

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阴,在此指足少阴经。Yin refers to the Foot-Shaoyin Meridian.

现在已经越过了经线一百零一度了。The one hundred and first meridian was passed.

那自四面到临的风,天顶的太阳。Wind from the compass points, sun at meridian.

旋转这个环直到时间子午线偏移刻度。Turn the ring until the time meridian offset scale.

分析讲解督脉、任脉的经脉循行。To explain the circulation of Du Meridian, Ren Meridian.

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表2说明了每条经都由三部分组成。Tab. 2 shows that every meridian consists of three parts.

足阳明胃经脉大血多、气盛阳旺。The Stomach Meridian of Foot-Yangming abounds in qi and blood.

肾固胞胎也有其经络理论基础。There was meridian theoretical basis kidney protecting foetus.

阴跷穴在经脉上是处于主要地位的。Yin Qiao acupuncture point at the meridian is the main status.

因此本初子午线应该在这里,也就是x轴。So, the Greenwich Meridian would be here, now, the one on the x axis.

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唐朝测出子午线的长度,在当时的世界上还是第一次。This was the first measurement of the meridian ever done in the world.

结果证实了中医中冰片归心经的论述。The result verified the meridian distribution of Borneol in TCM theory.

松开固定时间子午线指示环的定位螺丝。Loosen the setscrew that secures the ring with the time meridian indicator.

另外,轮胎外胎、子午线轮胎增长幅度也较大。Additional, range of growth of tire cover tyre, meridian tire is bigger also.

腧穴是人体脏腑、经络气血在体表的特殊部位。Acupoints are special parts of body organs and meridian blood in body surface.

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再说一遍,记住这发生在本初子午线很重要。Once again, it's important to note that this occurred at the Greenwich meridian.

与每一子午线相交成同一角度的航向叫恒向线。The course which will cut each meridian at the same angle is termed a rhumb line.

结论为补肾强肾是适当的治疗原则。In conclusion, tonifying kidney and Du meridian is the proper treatment principle.