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生产的“珍伴”系列猫狗食产品。Production of "chummy pet" series cat dog food products.

但是生态友好燃料好像并不像以前认为的那么友好。Yet the eco-friendly fuel is beginning to look less chummy of late.

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不过奥巴马总统也会刻意的与中国领导人保持一定的距离。But Mr. Obama will take pains not to look overly chummy with the Chinese leader.

多年来,中国和非洲暴君们称兄道弟,似乎彼此是相互信赖的好伙伴。For years China has been chummy with African despots who seem to be reliable partners.

这个时间,一个挡风的帐篷,一床温暖的褥被,一碗热乎乎的面条,一句真诚的问候。This time, keeps out the wind account awning, bed warm quilt and mattress, bowl of chummy noodles, sincere regards.

马奇家隔壁的一所大房子里住着一个有钱的老人劳伦斯先生和他的孙子劳里,一个快活、友好的少年。In the big house next door to the Marches lived a rich old gentleman, Mr. Laurence, and his grandson, a jolly, chummy boy

我不知道是否裁判和教练可以真的做到亲密无间。因为你从未摆脱过他们。I don't know if referees and coaches can be chummy at all, because you're never thrown together with them, " Dunleavy said."

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马奇家隔壁的一所大房子里住着一个有钱的老人劳伦斯先生和他的孙子劳里,一个快活、友好的少年。In the big house next door to the Marches lived a rich old gentleman, Mr. Laurence, and his grandson, a jolly, chummy boy called Laurie.

面孔失认症是一种神经心理性疾病,病人不能识别自己熟悉的人,甚至连自己的亲人和密友也不能辨认。Prosopagnosia is a kind of amazing face process confusion. Patients cant recognize those who they are familiar with, even their relatives and chummy.

当你们还在认为阿纳金和奥比万再次重归于好的时候,光剑对决增加了强度,我以前从未看到过如此快速的决斗动作。Just when you thought Anakin and Obi-Wan were back to being chummy again, the lightsaber action intensifies with some of the fastest dueling I've ever seen.

虽然他越来越富,他还是在办公室挂了一个反核武器的海报。Although he grew wealthier by the day, he still kept an antinuclear poster hanging in his office and remained outside the chummy atmosphere of the exchanges.

其实都是些很正常的短信,但是让我恼火的是她总是把他当做联系的第一人选,而我一直觉得他们过于友好了。They were pretty harmless messages, but it angered me that she had been communicating with him in the first place — I'd always thought they were a little too chummy.

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与Ebay的匿名交易不同的是,淘宝网让买家和卖家在网上张贴照片和个人资料,通过互发信息和音频交谈等方式相互熟悉起来。In contrast with eBay’s relative anonymity, Taobao lets buyers and sellers get chummy through messaging and voicemail, and by posting photographs and personal details on the site.

保罗·纳斯爵士因拥有一大堆的学术荣誉称号,其中包括一个诺贝尔奖而自吹自擂,但是他与人亲近的风格和作为科学明星的巨大影响力,使他获得了“科学界的贝克汉姆”这一昵称。SIR PAUL NURSE boasts a long list of academic accolades, among them a Nobel Prize, but his chummy manner and oodles of scientific star power have earned him the nickname "David Beckham of science".