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包括医生们也昏厥过去了。Even the doctors swoon.

永远这样活着或昏阙而死去。And so live ever-or else swoon to die.

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多年以来,瑞典一直令左翼分子心潮澎湃。For years Sweden has made lefties swoon.

大部分的情侣在看到自己心爱的晕厥。Most of the lovers swoon at the sight of their beloved.

来自非西方国家的女孩,也许在他们昏厥。Perhaps girls from non-western countries swoon over them.

一句话,我吓得晕倒在抽水机旁。In a word, I was so surprised, that I fell down in a Swoon.

便秘问题解除了,痔疮那颗东西真的会渐渐消失吗?Costive problem removed, does that thing meet haemorrhoid really swoon?

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一件自己做的灯芯绒晚礼服,全世界的评论家,无不为之倾倒。Critics worldwide swoon over my original line of corduroy evening wear.

当那女人听到他们的对话时忽然嚎啕大哭起来,以致昏厥过去。And when the woman heard these words she gave a loud cry, and fell into a swoon.

再多告诉我一些你那些恶魔般的阴谋,让我陶醉在你那男性的邪恶魅力中吧。Tell me more of your diabolical scheme, so that I can swoon at your manly evilness.

沉重的气息压在他们的身上,到了正午,似乎连景物也昏昏入睡了。Its heavy scents weighed upon them, and at mid-day the landscape seemed lying in a swoon.

当他终于拥有她时,他们好象在生命神秘的边缘攀上了快乐之颠。And when he possessed her, they seemed to swoon together at the very borderland of life's mystery.

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当投资者们在挖掘最近一次的创业热潮成果的时候,想想上一轮的互联网泡沫吧!As investors swoon over the latest crop of hot startups, consider what happened to the last round.

市场对此消息反响十分热烈,卡夫公司的股票在上周四逆势上扬。The market has cheered the news, sending Kraft shares up Thursday in defiance of an overall swoon.

布鲁克将美国市场最近出现的阴霾与日本今年早些时候出现的崩盘进行了对比。Brooker compared the U. S. market's recent swoon to the Japanese market collapse earlier this year.

问题在于全球市场重新呈现新气象后,美国是否会相对于欧洲和中国复苏。The question is whether the U. S. recovers relative to Europe and China as global markets swoon anew.

克里斯汀穿礼服看起来很棒,罗伯特更不用说,帅呆了。Kristen looked good in that dress and Rob, of course, was studly. The fans are going to melt and swoon.

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无论什么原因引起道琼斯指数几乎让人晕倒的1000点瞬间骤降,欧洲的实际情况并不能成为股票突然剧跌的理由。Whatever caused that brief 1,000-point swoon in the Dow, it wasn't justified by actual events in Europe.

他说,让股票投资者那么兴奋的反弹只是在这个更长期的低迷市中的一个微小周期。He says the rally that has been so enjoyable for stock investors is just a mini-cycle in that longer swoon.

羽毛球冠军得主,24岁的林丹,外号叫超级丹,已经赢得了中国广大妇女的芳心。Lin Dan, the 24-year-old badminton gold medalist who is nicknamed Super Dan, makes women across China swoon.