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霍福德是一个怪兽。Al Horford is a beast.

半人。半兽。Half human. Half beast.

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他兽性大发。The beast in him came up.

熊是一种野兽。Bear is one kind of beast.

他象野兽般地咆哮起来。He raved like a wild beast.

是皇帝陛下的牲口。It was His Majesty's beast.

而我们难道是在牢笼里的困兽?Are we the beast in the cage?

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她丈夫是个衣冠禽兽。Her husband was a real beast.

我可是原汁原味的性感尤物。I am the original sexy beast.

请给我来一罐“骆驼”烟丝。The camel is a beast of burden.

他的行为等于禽兽。He is like a beast in behaviour.

音乐可以感化兽心。Music can reform heart of beast.

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他酒后兽性大发。Drink brings out the beast in him.

这野兽捕食活的动物。The beast preys on living animals.

他们恨透了那个可恶的工头。They hate that beast of a foreman.

哦,我明白了。我还以为他是个畜生呢。Oh, I see. Ithought he was a beast.

他们恨透了那个狼心狗肺的工头。They hated that beast of a foreman.

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人类或禽兽的那分冷漠。We have to dread from man or beast.

任何的奇怪畜牲那里制造一个男人。Any strange beast there makes a man.

那畜生很凶猛,而且只喂得半饱。The beast was savage and half-starved.