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前面还有一座冰山。The glacier calved a large iceberg.

冰川崩解而产生一个大冰山。The glacier calved a large iceberg.

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一个巨大的桌状冰山从格陵兰岛东南部的黑尔海姆冰川上脱落。A large tabular iceberg calved from Helheim glacier on southeast Greenland.

格陵兰西海岸冰川上脱落冰山的清晰图像。Detailed view of an iceberg calved from glaciers on west Greenlandic coast.

从上世纪五十年代开始,奇林汉姆牛在冬天产犊的频率渐增。Since the 1950s, Chillingham cows calved during winter with increased frequency.

这座冰川以每年3000英尺的速度漂向大洋而且时常崩解出小块的冰山。The glacier is moving to the ocean at 3000 feet per year and has regularly calved icebergs.

达尔文认为,这些巨砾是崩解后漂入海洋的冰川与山体冲刷而成。The boulders, he concluded, had been scoured out of the mountains by glaciers that calved into the sea.

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最近一次如此大的浮冰岛的形成发生在1962年,当时加拿大的沃德亨特冰架崩解形成个小岛。The last time such a large ice island formed was in 1962 when the Canadian Ward Hunt Ice Shelf calved an island.

皮艇爱好者与大量由冰川崩解的流冰交涉。这些冰川造就了智利托雷德裴恩国家公园的格雷湖。Kayakers negotiate a massive iceberg calved by the glacier that feeds Lago Grey in Chile's Torres del Paine National Park.

南极洲的这些海冰是以冰山碎裂的形式消失的。这些冰山是大陆上的冰川运动形成的。In Antarctica, these losses are in the form of icebergs calved from ice shelves formed by glacial movements on the mainland.

沿着库克冰川曾经崩解的大冰尖所在的海滩直到海洋,成队的王企鹅孵化出来。Along the beach where the Cook Glacier once calved great pinnacles of ice into the sea, the rookery now calves flotillas of king penguins.

这里,一个大型,闪耀的冰山崩解浮冰从雅各布港冰川在格陵兰漂移通过迪斯科湾在它的道路上到大西洋。Here, a large, glistening iceberg calved from the Jakobshavn Glacier in Greenland drifts through Disko Bay on its way to the Atlantic Ocean.

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在2001年的照片上就有一条类似的裂缝,并且那次松岛冰川就分离出一座很大的冰山。Such events are natural, and in fact, a similar crack is visible in the 2001 image, the last time the Pine Island Glacier calved a large iceberg.

冰山上有些碎冰块,可能是在它从汉博尔德冰川脱落漂走时,其它冰山崩裂落下来的。This berg has some ice-debris on it that has probably fallen from other ice calvings, as it drifted by the Humboldt glacier that it has calved from.

在格陵兰岛西部中央海岸的伊卢利萨特镇附近,坐落着一条宽达4英里的冰川,一些最壮观的冰山便是在这里崩解形成的。Some of the most spectacular icebergs are calved from the 4-mile-wide Jakobshavn Glacier near the town of Ilulissat on Greenland’s west central coast.

现在你们要把一辆新车豫备下来,将两只未曾负轭正在喂奶的母牛套在车上,使牛仔离开母牛回家去。Now then, get a new cart ready, with two cows that have calved and have never been yoked. Hitch the cows to the cart, but take their calves away and pen them up.

现在你们应当造一辆新车,将两只未曾负轭有乳的母牛套在车上,使牛犊回家去,离开母牛。Now then, get a new cart ready, with two cows that have calved and have never been yoked . Hitch the cows to the cart, but take their calves away and pen them up.

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上次,汤姆和一些人在试图把一些小动物从可怕的寒冷和齐腰深的雪里救出来的时候,他把腿弄断了,很严重。Some of the cows calved too early, and Tom broke his leg badly when he and some of the men were out trying to rescue the little beasts from the terrible cold and waist-deep snows.

上一次形成如此大的冰山是在1962年,当时沃德亨特冰架发生断裂,众多冰山拥堵在纳斯海峡内大小岛屿之间的海面上。The last time such a large ice island formed was in 1962 when the Ward Hunt Ice Shelf calved an island. Smaller pieces of that chunk became lodged between real islands inside Nares Strait.