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这种窃听方式为“基于混杂模式的嗅探”。Such as wiretapping mode called "sniffer base on intermix mode".

他最终确定了FBI对他的监视,他说自己成为了非法窃听的目标。He eventually sued the FBI, claiming he had been the target of illegal wiretapping.

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他们回答说档案中没有任何关于授权窃听的证据。They replied that they could find no evidence of authorized wiretapping in their files.

大约有2万2千人在他的网站上抗议他在窃听这一议题上改变立场。Some 22,000 people have protested on his website about his change of heart on wiretapping.

大约有2万2千人在他的网站上抗议他在窃听这一议题上改变立场。Some 22, 000 people have protested on his website about his change of heart on wiretapping.

一联邦法院称布什总统的窃听装置方案是不正当的,布什总统称该判决是违反宪法。President Bush is criticizing a federal court ruling that calls his warrantless wiretapping program unconstitutional.

爱立信使这种窃听能力成为沃达丰产品的一部分,并且只有提出请求的政府部门才能拥有。Ericsson built this wiretapping capability into Vodafone's products and enabled it only for governments that requested it.

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最后,分析了跃变参数混沌保密通信对抗现有混沌窃听方法的性能。Finally, the counteraction between the hop-parameter chaotic communication system and the wiretapping system is discussed.

议案列出35条弹劾理由,包括布什为发动伊拉克战争而编造不实理由,授权情报机构秘密窃听等。The 35 articles of impeachment included charges like Bush's fault for going to war against Iraq and his approval of wiretapping.

所有人都听说过窃听和监视这样的恐怖故事,但我们选择的这些服务会不会这样呢?We've all heard of the horror stories about illegal wiretapping and citizen surveillance, but what about the services we opt into?

在计算机安全学中,指从计算机系统非法窃取信息。In computer security, the unauthorized interception of information-bearing emanations through the use of methods other than wiretapping.

窃听监管是强制法案监管机构最重要的工作,因为“它为定罪提供了关键的证据。Wiretapping is vital for law enforcement agencies, said Lewis, because "it provides crucial evidence that wins a lot of their convictions.

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在2006年,AT&T曾被卷入美国国家安全局的无证窃听事件中,这件事情被指使用的是该运营商的无线网络。AT&T was implicated in 2006 in warrantless wiretapping that the National Security Agency was allegedly doing on the carrier's wireless network.

在2006年,AT&T曾被卷入美国国家安全局的无证窃听事件中,这件事情被指使用的是该运营商的无线网络。AT&T was implicated in 2006 in warrantless wiretapping that the National Security Agency was allegedly doing on the carrier’s wireless network.

密钥托管密码体制不仅能保护用户的隐私权,同时允许法律授权下的监听。A key escrow cryptosystem can provide protection for users privacy, while at the same time, allows for the wiretapping when lawfully authorized.

在1969到1971年间出于国家安全目的进行的窃听,是明确符合当时生效的行政和法律程序的。The wiretapping for national security purposes in 1969-1971 clearly complied with the administrative and legal procedures in effect at the time.

伦敦警察局助理局长约翰·耶茨18日辞职,成为因窃听丑闻下台的又一高官。Metropolitan Police Assistant Commissioner John Yates, 18, resigned as a result of another wiretapping scandal to step down high-ranking officials.

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此举在民间自由团体中引发轩然大波。这些团体认为,CALEA允许的仅仅是对传统电话的监听。The move sparked an outcry from civil-liberties groups, who argued that CALEA was only ever intended to allow wiretapping of traditional telephones.

之前对战争恐怖行为的惩罚,如反恐水刑,窃听装置和“特别引渡”,已被停止或取消。Early excesses in the war on terrorism, such as waterboarding, warrantless wiretapping and “extraordinary renditions”, have been stopped or rolled back.

文章论述了防窃听的安全网络编码的模型、理论、构造、发展,对抗搭线窃听的安全网络编码进行了重点分析。In this paper, the model, the theorem, the construction, and the development of Secure Network Coding against the wiretapping attack will be introduced.