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这位实际上没有父亲的奥巴马,无疑是无父者中的一个特例。The effectively fatherless Obama is clearly a freakish outlier.

暴雪见异思迁,显然是为了获得更大的利益。Blizzard is freakish , it is to acquire larger interest apparently.

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Stern说,“其实像地球那样的行星,还有巨大的行星才是比较奇特的。”It's the Earth-like planets and the giant planets that are freakish.

希望你通过了解这些千奇百怪的意淫和怪癖性嗜好满足了你的小小窥视欲。Hopefully you enjoyed your peek into the weird and wacky world of fascinating, freakish sex.

投票选名人堂的人不喜欢非传统的比赛策略,他的成就可能被视作畸形战术所带来的畸形成就。Voters don't like non-traditional game plans, and his achievements might be seen as too freakish.

每年,成千上万的人来到中国的杭州湾目睹奇特的景象–一年一度的大潮。Once a year, thousands come to China's Hangzhou Bay to witness a freakish sight – an annual tidal wave.

我寻求某种无规律的、奇异的东西,音乐不应该是常态的,不应该是穿着笔挺的燕层服,打着漂亮领带的绅士。I tend towards something irregular and freakish. Music should not be normal, well-bred, with its tie all neat.

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罗宾逊在英格兰已经落后的情况下,被一块小小的草皮愚弄,而他这个失误却占满了各家报刊的头条。Paul Robinson falls foul to a freakish divot when England are already losing and who takes every single headline?

还有17名是一小部分多年婚姻生活后仍然爱的死去活来的。And seventeen belonged to the small, freakish subset of people who claim they are still madly in love after years of marriage.

从新的观点来看,曾经意味着严重畸形的怪模怪样的突变,只不过是一次翻转,仅仅是偏离了平均变异而已。A monstrous mutation, once implying freakish severity, was newly seen as simply a flip, a mere deviation from the average variation.

我觉得问题源于中国男人在他们的关注某人的时候常常很古怪而奇异。I think the problem is that Chinese guys can often be freakish and weird in their attentions. China's got a pretty fucked-up culture.

这是个意想不到的意外。即使我再试100甚至100万次都不可能再发生。如果我能做到,那我就该继续踢球了。It was a freakish incident. If I tried it 100 or a million times it couldn't happen again. If I could I would have carried on playing!

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他感到被怪异的浪漫细节弄得困惑不解和孤立无助,即使现在,帕姆都一心想着要用一部电影剧本去颂扬这种浪漫的色彩。He felt trapped and isolated by the freakish particulars of a romance that Pam, even now, was endeavoring to celebrate in a film script.

如果我们以建筑工程业为例,我们总是会被那些正在建设的那些丑陋、奇形怪状的建筑吓倒。If we take the field of architecture and engineering, for example, we are appalled by the ugly and freakish buildings that are being put up.

“河上世界”系列的第一本书讲述了一个孤独的探索者试图解出奇异的“来世”的秘密。The first book in the Riverworld series follows the adventures of a lone explorer trying to puzzle out the mysteries of the freakish afterlife.

他说,去年对中国来说是气象反常的一年,恶劣天气袭击中国的频率和强度很罕见。Last year was freakish meteorologically for China, Song said, with severe weather hitting the nation with a frequency and intensity rarely seen.

迪士尼年轻男性时尚系列即将推出的首饰是一个戒指,雕刻的米老鼠有怪异的长尖牙,看起来像狂犬病。An upcoming jewelry offering from Disney's fashion collection for young men is a ring that depicts a rabid-looking Mickey Mouse with freakish long fangs.

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一位跟踪采访过他的记者形容他的“心中的陀螺”是他最珍奇的保持稳健的能力——他就像一个能随意降低自己血压的人。Journalists who have followed him describe his "inner gyroscope", his almost freakish ability to stay steady — like a man able to lower his blood pressure at will.

新加坡国立大学的蟾蜍专家大卫·比克福德说,“这个视频非常非常的奇怪,不过他说这很可能是一种奇特的巧合。”David Bickford, a toad expert at the National University of Singapore, described the footage as "very, very strange, " but says it's likely a " freakish coincidence.

如今,父母们都将大量的时间和精力用到钻研好名字上面,不要太普通,也不要太新潮,但也不要太怪异,免得对孩子的心理产生不好的影响。Parents these days invest loads of time and research into coming up with the perfect name not too common or trendy, but hopefully not too freakish that the kid will get a complex.