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其中许多人都是半文盲。Many of them seem to be barely literate.

你的孩子应该会识字算数。Your children should be literate and numerate.

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这个国家的农民中只有少数人能识字。Only a few of the nation's peasants are literate.

但是,为了赚钱,你必须学会融资。But to make money, you must be financially literate.

虽然如此,他们都是非常普通的,但有文化的穷人Nonetheless, they were very ordinary literate poor people.

这个潮流使得读写能力最低的美国人大量增加。This stream refreshes the pool of minimally literate Americans.

我会使用计算机,而且我曾上过一门会计课程。I'm computer literate and I've also taken a course in Accountancy.

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每晚清静这么一个小时,可以造就出文化程度较高的一代新人。A more literate new generation could be a product of the quiet hour.

一个有文化的女童或者妇女也更可能具备卫生素养。A literate girl or woman is also far more likely to be health literate.

互联网的缺点就是人们必须得有文化才能使用它。The drawback of the internet is that you have to be literate to use it.

有更多的埃及人读起了古兰经,或许是因为更多的人能够读书识字。If more Egyptians read the Koran, perhaps it is because more are literate.

地名标准化包括政治标准和语文标准。Toponym standardization should meet both political and literate standards.

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1994年,第一批旅游网站上线。In 1994, the first travel websites came online. The consumer is literate now.

为了保持国家的持续进步,一个民主国家需要更多的高文化素养的公民。The democracy itself needs a literate citizen rate in order to keep it in check.

他是一个聪明有修养的音乐家,但总是让人听起来觉得特别简单。He is an incredibly clever, literate musician, but he always makes it sound terribly simple.

然而,在识字率高的社会,几乎任何一种工作都要求会读、会写。Yet in highly literate societies being able to read and write is crucial in almost every job.

在一个由男性宰制的社会里,这些故事小说也说明识字的女性也越来越多。In a society that was largely male-dominated, they also indicate a growing audience of literate women.

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你的大学电脑机房可能需要一个技术助理,通常在学校图书馆。Your college's Computing Services might need a tech literate assistant, usually in the campus library.

其国民都有很高的文化素质和科学涵养,但某些文化特质阻碍了经济的进一步发展。Its people are superbly literate and numerate, but certain cultural traits are holding businesses back.

网络文学在近十年的发展过程中,对传统文学进行了一场颠覆性的革命。Network literature has developed in recent decades and has revolted the traditional literate subversively.