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基督说这句话,是在祂治好一个瞎子之后,法赛人却把瞎子赶走。This verse seems to follow on the excommunication of the blind man Christ had just healed.

1520年,路德收到革出教会令,之后便烧毁了教谕。In December 1520 Luther received his Papal Bull of excommunication and then later burned it.

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作为教会的高级的人物,他协助策动驱逐托尔斯泰出教。As a senior figure in the Church, Pobedonostsev helped to initiate Tolstoy’s excommunication.

声明说,根据教廷法规,凡是未经教皇批准的祝圣主教都会被自动革除教籍。It says that under Canon Law, excommunication is automatic for ordinations without papal approval.

在争论之前,一位大主教表示支持试管受精的天主教徒可能面临逐出教会的境况。Ahead of the debate, one archbishop said Catholic MPs who support IVF can count on excommunication.

在西西里法庭上,对腓特烈来说绝罚没什么大不了的,他以幽默的愤世嫉俗的态度面对它。In the court of Sicily, excommunication mattered little and Frederick could afford to regard it with humorous cynicism.

亨利决定通过道歉、忏悔以让教皇恢复他的教籍,重新获得领地上行使教权。Henry decided to purge his excommunication and get the interdict on his territories withdrawn by apologizing and doing penance.

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驱逐教会没有,也不能剥夺被驱逐的人的任何以前拥有的世俗财产。Excommunication neither does, nor can, deprive the excommunicated person of any of those civil goods that he formerly possessed.

教会的这些纪律也包含许多级别,从轻微的批评到终极程度的逐出教会不等。The church had various levels or degrees of such discipline, ranging from the mild rebuke to the ultimate step of excommunication.

流放、开除教籍、离婚、剥夺生命等等手段,其威慑力不在于经济和实用方面,而主要在于精神痛苦。Exile. Excommunication. Divorce. Termination. These have impacts beyond the financial and convenient, the primary being emotional pain.

据说手术是成功的,但那贵族后来却迫于被教会开除的威胁而将植入的狗骨取了出来。The operation was said to have been a success but the man later had the implant removed under threat of excommunication from the church.

被绝罚的人被排除在有形可见的信友的共融之外。Excommunication is a very severe form of penalty in the Church that excludes the excommunicated person from the visible communion of the faithful.

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罗马教廷在一份声明中说,他们解除对他的逐出教会惩罚时并不知道他有这样的想法。将他逐出教会是由于20年前的一件无关事件。In a statement, the Vatican said it hadn't known about Bishop Williamson's views weather it agrees to live to his excommunication which is imposed on an unrelated matter 20 years ago.

这位英国的主教,威廉姆森,在上个月引起了世界的注意,当罗马教皇本尼迪克特赞扬了他,在他试图修补和一个极端保守主义牧师之间的不和被逐出教会后。The British Bishop, Richard Williamson, came to world attention last month when Pope Benedict lifted his excommunication in an effort to mend a rift with ultra-traditionalist clerics.

即使不将我赶走,他们也会在我头上放个逐出教会的光环,因为他们认为我偏离的太远,且违反了他们的一些教规。They would have put me, if not run me out, but they would have that kind of excommunication halo over me, because they figured out I was going too far and violating some of the doctrines.

声明说,根据教廷法规,凡是未经教皇批准的祝圣主教都会被自动革除教籍.罗马天主教廷预计在完成正式调查之后将最后宣告革除决定。It says that under Canon Law, excommunication is automatic for ordinations without papal approval. The Roman Catholic Church is expected to complete a formal investigation before a final announcement.