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遗言执行人把这段大声朗诵了进去。The executor relisting it out loud.

诺曼告诉我伯尼是他遗嘱的执行人。“Norman told me that Bernie was the executor of his will, ” said Carmen.

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执行程序中应用了池,这可以有效地使用线程资源。Pooling was applied in the executor to achieve efficient use of thread resources.

当然,塞林格的遗嘱执行人和继承人可以不遵从作者意愿。Of course, Salinger's executor or heirs could try to slip around theauthor's wishes.

但是盛大则不同,盛大不但是个出色的“起动器”,同时也是一个优秀的执行者。But Shanda is different in the sense that it is both an excellent starter and executor.

一离开方多的干船坞,“执行者号”就摧毁了拉克廷兵站的义军基地。Once leaving dry-dock at Fondor, the Executor destroyed the Rebel outpost at Laakteen Depot.

提出了一种通用并发TTCN测试执行机的设计方法。The method of designing a common-used concurrent TTCN test executor is proposed in this paper.

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1979年,凯瑟琳的母亲弗朗辛•加缪亡故,凯瑟琳成为她父亲的文学执行人。When Catherine's mother Francine Camus died in 1979, Catherine became the executor of her father's estate.

约翰麦克莱恩,迈克尔杰克逊遗产公司目前的执行人,同时也是他挖掘了当时只有11岁的夏尼丝。John McClain, the current executor of Michael Jackson's estate, is also the man who discovered Shanice at age 11.

每个人都是执行者,或洛克说的,自然法的“执刑者,这个“执刑者“可以字面上理解。Everyone is an enforcer or what Locke calls " "the executor"of the state of nature and he means executor literally.

对于手工测试,测试执行者通常要向应用程序输入数据,来验证一个业务用例。For manual tests, the test executor must typically enter data into the application to validate a business use case.

接口网络层用于传感器和执行器的联网通信。The AS-I interface network layer was used to carry out the interconnection communication between sensor and executor.

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现在我们需要把关于自定义执行器的信息注册到Oozie的运行时中。Now we need to register information about custom executor with Oozie runtime. This is done by extending oozie-site.xml

简单地提供测试执行者可以自动重用的数据,来替代将数据手工地输入到应用程序中。Simply supply data that the test executor can reuse automatically instead of manually entering it into the application.

“执行者号”是新一代巨型战舰的第一艘,“执行者级”星际无畏舰即以它来命名。The Executor was the first of a new generation of immense warships, lending its name to the Executor-class Star Dreadnought.

遗产执行人约翰·麦克莱恩技巧性地改编成了新版本,使得它听起来全新及合时。Estate executor John McClain updates it skillfully in this new version, making it sound brand new and retro at the same time.

对代理和调用程序对象进行缓存,配合执行程序中的线程池,可以提高资源的使用效率。The caching of proxy and invoker objects supported efficient use of resources, along with pooling of threads in the executor.

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虽然指挥舰有好几艘,但其中最引人注目的歼星舰是维德尊主的旗舰——“执行者号”。Though there are several command ships, the most distinguished of these Star Destroyers is Lord Vader's flagship, the Executor.

还有可怜的坡,醉倒在巴尔的摩的街沟里,死得也荒唐。他真倒霉,居然挑选鲁弗斯。格里斯沃尔德做他文学上的遗嘱执行人。And poor Poe, who died crazy and drunk in a Baltimore gutter, had the misfortune to select Rufus Griswold as his literary executor.

因为苏洪莲女士认为一个好的策划必须要有一个好的执行者也必须要经得起验证,而得到预期的结果!Since Mrs Su believes that a good planning must have a good executor and can stand up to verify in order to attain the desired results!