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不好的员工会破坏好员工的士气。Bad employees demoralize the good employees.

即将采取制裁的谣言能使士气低落。Rumors of impending sanctions can demoralize.

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频繁的批评足以使任何人意志消沉。Constant criticism is enough to demoralize anybody.

苏联相信它能使西欧丧失斗志,麻痹我们。The soviet Union believes that it can demoralize Western Europe and paralyze us.

很明显,目标之一就是要用一切可能的手段打击敌军的士气。Clearly, one of the objectives is to demoralize the enemy troops in any way they can.

高的目标通常可以激励商业组,同时他们经常受挫于工程组。Lofty goals often inspire business teams, while they often demoralize engineering teams.

看起来做这么薄好像纯粹是为了让潜在的竞争者抓狂。It's almost as if it was made as thin as it is purely to demoralize would-be competitors.

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如果你只是期待着解雇他们,你将会耗尽财力,不但优秀员工的士气低落,而且你也会在他们心中失去信誉。If you wait to fire them, you’ll run out of money, demoralize your top performers, and lose credibility.

而如果现在还承认蒋介石的领导,无疑只会使人民泄气,得不到群众的拥护。Now, however, to recognize that leadership would be to demoralize the people and lose their mass support.

用惊吓,恐怖,破坏,暗杀等手段削弱敌人,这才是未来的战争。Demoralize the enemy from within by surprise, terror, sabotage, assassination. This is the war of the future.

她的灵魂,是一个纯洁贞坚的妇人的,虽然有过近一两年来那样纷扰骚乱的经验,而却完全没有腐化堕落。Her soul that of a woman whom the turbulent experiences of the last year or two had quite failed to demoralize.

你的个人想法可以使你消沉,也可以使你备受鼓舞,它可以使你获得你希望的结果,也可以剥夺你成功的机会。Your perspective can demoralize you or motivate you, it can get you the results you want or even snatch the opportunities from you.

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当出现某些障碍影响了团队发展或者挫败团队的士气时,团队的领导者必须有勇气代表团队挺身而出。A team leader must have the courage to intervene on the team's behalf when obstacles that might cripple or demoralize the team arise.

是你自己让别人影响你的成长,使你的潜力无法发挥。That is what happens when you poison your growth through letting others diminish, marginalize and demoralize you from reaching your potential.

狙击手是他们的耳目,也是起防御成败的重要因素,使敌慢下来以挫败占优势的德国人锐气。Snipers were the eyes and ears of their units, as well as a key element in defensive efforts to slow down and demoralize the advancing Germans.

批评造成的怨恨能够挫败员工、家人以及朋友的锐气,但是却不能纠正受到指责的问题。The resentment that criticism engenders can demoralize employees, family members and friends, and still not correct the situation that has been condemned.

部份大众心理学、部份人力资源的行话「细微忽视」,发生在所有导致优秀员工士气低落的间接冒犯。Part pop psychology, part human-resources jargon, the term microinequities puts a name on all the indirect offenses that can demoralize a talented employee.

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既然心理战是要通过信息作战击溃敌人的斗志,传达信息的媒介因而也就异常重要。For we known that psychological operations could demoralize enemy's fighting aspiration via information attack, the media by which information can be transmitted are very important.

很多伊拉克人,尤其是萨达姆政权的支持者认为乌代和库赛兄弟的死亡消息是美军捏造的,美军此行目的是为了挫败那些占领伊拉克的对抗者的士气。Many Iraqis, especially Saddam supporters, believed the story of the brothers' killing was concocted by the U.S. military to demoralize opponents of their occupation of the country.

在另外的情况下,缺乏灵活性的高控制性的领导风格会使得员工士气低落,它能够削弱组织面对外部变化的反应力。In other situations, the inflexibility and high levels of control exerted can demoralize staff, and can diminish the organizations ability to react to changing external circumstances.