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杜丁曾是名年轻的死灵法师学徒。Dutin was once a necromancer apprentice.

受害者将成为食尸鬼,并为创造自己的主人效忠。The victims will become ghouls that serve the necromancer.

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哦,我身上只有这东西,这是我用一天采集的草药从巫师杰尔那换来的。Oh , it is my only property , which is a reward form necromancer.

也许一个团队中最不受欢迎的职业就是亡灵法师。Perhaps the least well received class into a group is the Necromancer.

现在所有的死灵宠物发挥产卵动画当他们被传唤。All Necromancer pets now play a spawn animation when they are summoned.

箭手招魂亡灵巫师能够召唤出骷髅射手代替骷髅。Raise Archers Allows a Necromancer to raise Skeleton Archers instead of Skeletons.

新死和旧死之人的尸体都从坟场消失,导致人们开始担心附近有个死灵法师在工作。The dead, old and new, have been vanishing from cemeteries, leading to fears of a necromancer at work.

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祝酒辞里主要是感谢他的指挥官,一个睿智的亡灵法师,他总是不慌不忙地治疗敌军。The main toast was to the commander, a wise Necromancer who was in no hurry to deal with weak enemy units.

亡灵巫师赋予死者尸体魔力,并召唤驱动一群古尸武士和行尸。The necromancer enchants the bodies of the dead and calls forth a horde of Longdead Warriors and Soulless.

曾有一位精明的巫师告诉国王说他已经发现了一种点沙成金的办法。There was once a shrewd necromancer who told a king that he had discovered a way to make gold out of sand.

他们能,然而,他们是会远离他们的主人经另外一个巫师使用这个法术。They can, however, be wrested away from their master through the casting of this spell by another necromancer.

那么技能法术是在角色的一生中是如何增长的,比如魔术师或召唤师的宠物?What about spells and arts that currently grow throughout a character's life, such as conjurer and necromancer pets?

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一支亡灵军队保护着它们的一座圣所。一处圣所通常同时代表着宝贵的圣物。Necromancer army is protecting one of their holy site. Where there are holy sites, there are usually precious relics.

接下来,要是怪物实在能挺,亡灵法师会施放或者是另一个DOT,或者是一个削弱魔法来降低怪物对你们的连续攻击能力。Next, if this is a really major mob, a necromancer will cast either another DOT, or a weaken spell to reduce the mobs ability to pound you.

直到一队亡灵军队解救了被囚禁在岛屿上的娜姆塔茹蛛母,他们才登上了世界的舞台。They were recently brought to the front stage of world affairs when a Necromancer army liberated the Mother Namtaru from one of their island prisons.

“哦,我身上只有这东西,这是我用一天采集的草药从巫师杰尔那换来的。”矮人的声音沙哑干涩。" Oh, it is my only property, which is a reward form necromancer Jill after having collected herb for him all day long" the dwarf says in a hoarse voice.

此文学形象的演变既形象诠释了方仙道向神仙道教演进的规律,亦集中反映出方士小说与道士小说之间的嬗递关系。This literary figure vividly interprets the evolution changing from necromancy to Taoism, and mainly shows the successive change from necromancer novels to Taoist novels.

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那让他的能力甚至在伟大的纳戈什巫师之上,值得幸运的是,泰柯利斯终生利用这力量来对抗混沌和死亡。It is claimed that his power is on a par with the Great Necromancer Nagash, so it is fortunate that Teclis has devoted his life to thwarting the powers of Chaos and death.

阿尔萨斯和吉安娜找祖达克到并杀死了克尔苏加德,传播瘟疫的巫师。很不幸的,斯坦索姆整个城祖达克灵魂兽市已经被感染了,阿尔萨斯下令要祖达克任务清洗这个城市。Arthas and Jaina found and killed Kel'Thuzad, the necromancer reading the plague. Tragically, the city of Stratholme was already infected and Arthas ordered her to be "clea ed".

阿尔萨斯和吉安娜找到并杀死了克尔苏加德,流传瘟疫的巫师。很不幸的,斯坦索姆整个城市已经被感染了,阿尔萨斯申令要洗濯这个城市。Arthas and Jaina found and killed Kel'Thuzad, the necromancer spreading the plague. Tragically, the city of Stratholme was already infected and Arthas ordered her to be "cleansed".