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有些东西存在着错误。Yet something is amiss.

所以很明显这当中一定出了差错。So there is clearly something amiss.

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弄脏我自己来洗涤你的罪愆。My self corrupting salving thy amiss.

如果你拒绝他的邀请,他会生气的。He will take it amiss if you refuse his invitation.

你会认为有人可能已经注意到出了差错。You'd think someone might have noticed something amiss.

就像我说的,似乎那种反应时有些问题的。Well, as I say, there seems to be something amiss about that reaction.

焦虑可能导致惊惶失措,也可能导致对差错的准确分析。Anxiety may precipitate panic, or an accurate analysis of what is amiss.

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正像安德鲁建议的,也许多一点的自制是不会有什么错的。As Andrew counsels, perhaps a little more abstemiousness wouldn't go amiss.

让我们深入一步考察这个算法,看看是否有地方出了问题。Let's go one step deeper in the algorithm here and see if something is amiss.

“狼人基因”是无法被验证出来的,DNA测验对此也无计可施。There is no detectable "Garou gene" and DNA-testing does not reveal anything amiss.

真是忙中出错啊,光想着赶快去办事送资料了。Be really come amiss in the favour, only want to handle affairs to send data at once.

只有堂-科利昂,站在房子的角门口,感觉到某种不妥的东西。Only Don Corleone, standing in the corner entrance of the house, sensed something amiss.

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同样是因为银行系统出了差错,政府解除监管,放任自由It was again --something was amiss -that you had the government deregulating and not watching.

可是当我小心地拿起注满酒不稳当的杯子凑近嘴唇时,发觉事情有些不对劲。But as I carefully raised the precariously filled glass to my lips, I could tell something was amiss.

但是当她从车里走出来的时候,那笔挺的站姿和她佩戴的黑色耳机看起来有点不一样。But as she stepped out of the car, her ramrod posture and black earpiece suggested something was amiss.

但是,如果政治家们可以教会我们一些事情的话,那或许就是偶尔牵牵手还是不错的。However, if the statesmen can teach us anything perhaps it`s that a little handholding wouldn`t go amiss.

很少有人去考虑达尔文关于进化论的阐述中是否有严重的谬误。The possibility that anything is seriously amiss with Darwin's account of evolution is hardly considered.

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但是,如果政治家们可以教会我们一些事情的话,那或许就是偶尔牵牵手还是不错的。However, if the statesmen can teach us anything perhaps it's that a little handholding wouldn't go amiss.

这些就是她的教师,而且是一些严格粗野的教师,他们既使她坚强,也教会她出岔于。These had been her teachers- stern and wild ones- and they had made her strong, but taught her much amiss.

在与学生交流、互动的过程中,我的表现无懈可击,他们没有任何理由去怀疑我的生活中出了什么问题。In my exchanges with my students, I have given them no reason to suspect that anything is amiss in my life.