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这木柴太湿点不着。This wood is too wet to kindle.

无心的快语可能引发争执。A careless word may kindle strife.

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湿木头不容易烧着。The wet wood wouldn't kindle easily.

是否亚马逊正在研发安卓版金读?Is Amazon Working on an Android Kindle?

竟然有神妙的诀窍使火点燃?Should kindle fire by wonderful device!

这木柴太湿,不容易点燃。The wood was wet and wouldn’t kindle easily

在圣诞节,亚马逊的Kindle电子图书销量超过纸介图书。Kindle eBooks Outsold Paper Books on Christmas.

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见到旭日点燃思想的顶峰!And see the peaks of thought kindle with sunrise!

“点燃”目前提供约230000本电子书。The Kindle currently offers about 230, 000 titles.

一星光花足以点燃莉丽的全部想象力。A small spark was enough to kindle Lily's imagination.

正在申请专利的铰链作保你点燃的封面。A patent-pending hinge secures your Kindle to the cover.

对于一个用途单一的设备来说,Kindle价格过高The Kindle is too expensive for a single-purpose device.

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闷燃着的香烟会引起毁灭性的林区大火。A smouldering cigarette can kindle a devastating bushfire.

我们是一家电子内容及应用的开发商点燃。We are a developer of e-content and applications for Kindle.

当我完成后,金乐问我,如果我想购买图书。When I finished, the Kindle asked me if I wanted to buy the book.

它的Kindle为专业电子书阅读器市场铺就了一条康庄大道。Its Kindle largely paved the way for the dedicated e-reader market.

这是第一代没有上代好的Kindle。This is the first Kindle that's not as good as the one it replaces.

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本月初,亚马逊称Kindle电子书的销售额超过了精装书。Earlier in the month, Amazon announced that Kindle books outstripped

求祢燃起我们渴慕的心,叫我们凭信心进入祢永恒的国度。Kindle in us the desire to cross by faith into your eternal kingdom.

当安息日,不可在你们一切的住处生火。Ye shall kindle no fire throughout your habitations upon the sabbath day.