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这两场比赛将提前进行。These clashes will precede the Clasico.

很小的一股泥石流可能会先于更大的流量。A trickle of flowing mud may precede a larger flow.

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他给艾丽斯做手势,让她在他们前面离开房间。He gestured to Alice to precede them from the room.

偶尔在山式之前给脚彻底的按摩。Occasionally precede Tadasana with a thorough foot massage.

为了转换该引用,我们在它之前使用了一个反斜杠。To escape the quote, we use a backward slash to precede it.

所有必要的参数都必须位在每个选择性参数之前。All the required parameters must precede every optional parameter.

人道没有出现祸乱的时候,不可先策划兴师。If there are chaos in the society, your planning cannot precede them.

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倘若他们说,’天国就在海里’,这样鱼就要比你们先进入。If they say to you,'It is in the sea,' then the fish will precede you.

这个引用必须存在于测试中并且在条件块前。The reference must exist in the test and precede the conditional block.

在数据元素名称中,基本单词必须出现在类单词前面。The prime word must precede the class word within in a data element name.

每个证件号码是大于所有枚举它在前面。Each document number is greater than all that precede it in the enumeration.

在选择研究问题时,意义必须高于客观现实。Meaningfulness must precede objectivity in the selection of research problems.

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前震是更大强度地震发生之前在同一位置发生的地震。Foreshocks are earthquakes which precede larger earthquakes in the same location.

初步审查是调查开展之前的一个可能阶段。Preliminary examination is a phase that may precede the opening of an investigation.

您可以在它前面附加行号、范围、要匹配或包括在斜杠中的模式。You can precede it with a line number, range, pattern to match, or enclosed in slashes.

而我预期在进行任何方式进攻欧洲大陆前,必须有一长期的整备。I commented that a long period of build-up would have to precede any attack on the European.

在人们态度改变之前,科技的变化总是要走在前头的。"Change in technology always has to precede these kinds of changes in attitude, " Herr says.

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在这些命令前面加上一个整数,即可让多行增加或减少一级缩进。Precede these commands with an integer to add or remove an indentation level across multiple lines.

由于节点完全不了解它们之前的节点,所以每个节点本身都是一个列表的开始。Because nodes know nothing about the nodes that precede them, each node is itself the start of a list.

就连法国也是从每次峰会前默克尔和萨科齐的会晤中了解德国最新的战略。Even France learns the latest German strategy in the Merkel-Sarkozy meetings that precede each summit.