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能吃些口服药吗?Can I take the medicine orally?

给你开一些注射用药和口服药。I'll give some medicine by injection or orally.

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我给你开一些注射用药和口服药。I’ll give some medicine by injection or orally.

对照组口服扑尔敏。The control group took chlorpheniramine orally.

对照组口服西比灵。Flunarizine was orally taken in a control group.

对照组25例用口服秋水仙碱。The control one 25 cases orally take colchicines.

在你们写之前,我想让你们先口头练一下。Before you start to write, please do it orally first.

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常用降压药我不喜欢打针,能吃些口服药吗?I hconsumed injections, Can I take the medicine orally?

口头问你自己有关于刚读过的东西的问题。Orally ask yourself questions about what you just read.

疮痛被无知的不道德者口头忽视了。The sore is orally ignored by the ignorant immoral man.

口服普萘洛尔,每次80毫克,8小时一次。Propranolol was given orally in as dose of 80 mg 8-hourly.

制剂口服或者加水冲服,苦感减少或无苦味。The preparation is orally taten and has less or no bitter.

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氟康唑均由胃管注入或口服。Fluconazole was administered via nasogastric tube or orally.

除注射组外,其余六组均采用口服给药。All thalli proteins were given orally except injecting group.

治疗蛇咬伤。外用和内服。Treatment of snake bites. Applied topically and taken orally.

就像大部分语言一样,珂珞语没有书写文字,依靠口耳相传。Like most languages, Koro is unwritten and transmitted orally.

西药采用胰酶和碳酸氢钠口服。Western medicine used pancreatin and sodium bicarbonate orally.

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对照组给予口服血脂康胶囊,一次2粒,一日2次。The former took the TTG orally twice per day with 12g each time.

绿僵菌。感染治疗,口服伊曲康唑。The infection was treated with orally administered itraconazole.

课程16.120期中和期末的测试都是以口试的方式进行。Both the midterm and final exams in 16.120 were conducted orally.