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现在我想表述的是什么呢?Now what am I referring to?

你是说那个李壮平。Are you referring to Mr. Lee?

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我指的是根除脊髓灰质炎。I am referring to polio eradication.

马佐拉先生,您还记得什么吗?What are you referring to Mr Mazzola?

你开始用PK形容谋杀犯。You start referring to murderers as PKs.

我们将很快回来查阅此处的信息。We will be referring back to this shortly.

我不仅仅关心茶党群众。I'm not only referring to Tea Party people.

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他一直沿用微粒这个概念。And, he kept referring to them as corpuscles.

你谈的是狄更斯的哪部小说?Which novel of Dickens’ are you referring to?

谈到萨克斯VT5000刹车背板。Referring to the Sachs VT5000 brake backplate.

慷慨我并不单指在钱财方面。By generosity I am not referring only to money.

很明显,这个谜题在暗示急冻人。Clearly this riddle is referring to Mr. Freeze.

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虽然我们暗笑,指的是一边的她。While we snigger, referring to the side of her.

我开车到超级一流世界,图的是换油快点。The Mart I'm referring to for a quick oil change.

但我现在谈论到的是哪些问题?But what are these problems that I'm referring to?

他不喜欢任何人提及他那条木制的假腿。He doesn't like anyone referring to his wooden leg.

所以你指的是你所经历过的。So you're referring to it as a part of your history.

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当你谈及人们的时候,以什么人为参照物?"Whom are you referring to when you speak of people"?

不用说,我指的是刘四大爷。Needless to say, I am referring to the old wizard who.

这是罗丹对于高雄的第一印象。Roldan referring to his first impression of Kaohsiung.