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斯威夫特表示,荫凉可以帮助矫正这些问题。Curtis Swift says shade can help correct these problems.

作为表演者,柯蒂斯惊艳的英俊外貌可谓得天独厚。As a performer, Mr. Curtis drew on his startlingly good looks.

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在柯蒂斯学院,他师从弗里茨·赖纳学习指挥。At the Curtis Institute he studied conducting with Fritz Reiner.

柯蒂斯·斯威夫特是科罗拉多州立大学的推广员。Curtis Swift is an extension agent at Colorado State University.

约翰·柯蒂斯用云杉树液做出了美国第一个包装口香糖。John Curtis created the first American packaged gum using spruce sap.

我试图去抑制这样的感觉,我不敢在本和柯蒂斯面前表现出来。I try to fight these feelings. I don't show them to Bennie and Curtis.

书籍是积累智慧的明灯─柯蒂斯。Books are the ever-burning lamps of accumulated wisdom─George William Curtis.

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近日,郎朗应邀回费城母校Curtis举办大师课。Recently, Lang Lang returned to Curtis Institute of Music to hold a master class.

柯蒂斯先生周一回到医院,电脑断层扫描显示,他的颈部骨折。Curtis returned to the hospital on Monday and a CT-scan showed his neck was broken.

柯蒂斯将会明智的与白龙协会联系并交换意见。Curtis would be wise to contact the White Dragon Society for an exchange of opinions.

我认为世界上最好的葡萄干都是在,弗雷斯诺附近生产的,对吗,柯蒂斯I guess all the raisins in the world are produced near Fresno, isn't that right Curtis?

所以下次在特易购兑现你的奖励积分时,想想柯蒂斯。So, next time you're cashing in your reward points at Tesco, spare a thought for Curtis.

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他将和阿斯顿维拉的阿邦拉霍、戴维斯一起在国家队混。He joins Aston Villa's Gabriel Agbonlahor and Curtis Davies uncapped players in the squad.

罗德•科第斯说这就表明了新疫苗同时以两类病毒为目标的重要性。Rod Curtis says that shows the importance of the new vaccine targeting both viruses at once.

他似乎对跟人有关的各种工作都有高度兴趣。"He seems to have a real interest in people from all walks of life, " Curtis Ohlendorf said.

柯蒂斯建议说,在回复招聘广告的时候,要尽量使你的语言符合这家公司的语言习惯。Mr. Curtis suggests mirroring the language of the company when crafting your replies to the ad.

柯蒂斯闻名于内布拉斯加州的是复活节,由于40年的复活节游行传统。Curtis is known as Nebraska's Easter City due to its famed 40-year-old Easter Pageant tradition.

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好莱坞制作设计师和制作人柯蒂斯。斯耐尔是泰坦尼克号项目的设计专家。Hollywood production designer and producer Curtis Schnell is the projects Titanic design expert.

日内瓦世卫组织的罗德•科第斯表示这种新的二价疫苗解决了这个问题。Rod Curtis at the World Health Organization in Geneva says the new bivalent vaccine solves the problem.

导演山姆·雷米,托贝·马奎尔,制片艾微·艾德和联合制片格兰特·柯蒂斯的评论音轨。Audio Commentary with director Sam Raimi, Tobey Maguire, producer Avi Arad and co-producer Grant Curtis.