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这件绳纹钵极其重要。This Jomon pot is an extremely important pot.

绳纹人似乎生活得挺舒适惬意的。The Jomon way of life seems to have been pretty comfortable.

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而二战后强调的却是与縄文文化之间的联系。After the war, the link with the Jomon culture was emphasized.

苏斯曼的第一个拍摄对象是绳文杉——一种生长在日本屋久岛的柳杉。Sussman's first subject was the Jomon Sugi, a Cryptomeria tree on Yakushima Island, Japan.

现在我们知道在绳纹时期,已经存在了各种与陶器相关的礼仪与仪式。We know there were all sorts of rituals and ceremonies involving pots in the time of the Jomon.

如今绳纹陶器已经充当起日本文化大使的角色,在世界各地的大型展览与人们见面。Nowadays Jomon pots are used as cultural ambassadors for Japan in major exhibitions around the world.

縄文人在上一个冰河时代结束前通过连接日本与亚洲大陆的大陆桥来到日本。The Jomon people arrived in Japan before the end of the last ice age, via land bridges that joined Japan to Asia’s mainland.

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现在绳纹一词,已经不仅仅是这些物品的名称,那时代的人类,及他们生活的整个历史时期都被称之为绳纹。And the word Jomon has come to be used not just for the objects, but for the people that made them, and even the whole historic period in which they were lived.

李先生论证到,如果树形图的根很古老的话日本语则应该是起源于縄文文化,如果很近的话则应该是弥生文化。Mr. Lee reasoned that Japanese would have originated with the Jomon if the root of the tree turned out to be very ancient, but with the Yayoi culture if recent.

在日本的10000的历史里,绳纹文化保持着其丰富的精神内涵,是一种贴近自然的可持续的社会文化。From the architect. For around 10,000 years in japan, the Jomon culture maintained a richly spiritual society and was a sustainable culture characterized by a closeness to nature.

比最早期绳纹盆晚了几千年,在中东与北非出现了当地第一批陶器,而在美洲,那是还要再晚几千年的事。The first pots known from the Middle East and North Africa were made a few thousand years after the earliest Jomon pots, and in the Americas it was a few thousands of years after that.

作为一个局外人,我发现绳纹陶品上那种对细节一丝不苟还有精致的表面图案,再加上长期连续的绳纹传统,真是相当的日本。As an outsider, I find the meticulous attention to detail and the patterning of the surface, and the long continuity of Jomon traditions, already very Japanese. Professor Takashi Doi again

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正是这些生活在如今日本北部的绳纹人制造了世界上的首件陶器。It was the Jomon people living in what is now northern Japan, who created the world's first pots. Simon Kaner, of the University of East Anglia, is a specialist in ancient Japanese culture

绳纹陶器与文化在许多当今的日本人民心头仍然可以产生强烈的共鸣,也许是因为它叙说了日本文化的独特性质,强调改变需要在传承性与连续性中进行。Jomon pots and culture have great resonance for many Japanese people today, perhaps because it speaks of the distinctive nature of Japanese culture that often stresses continuity through change.