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这是造成其总韧带断裂系统和大型胶囊眼泪。This is caused by a total rupture of its ligamentous system and large capsule tears.

另外这类损伤还可伴发肘关节脱位和韧带损伤。In addition, they can be associated with concomitant elbow dislocation and ligamentous injuries.

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双踝骨折的预后比伴有内侧韧带损伤的外踝骨折差?Are Outcomes of Bimalleolar Fractures Poorer Than Those of Lateral Malleolar Fractures with Medial Ligamentous Injury?

组织学上,被脂肪包裹的神经根的带状连接组织由脂质及结缔组织构成。Histologically, the ligamentous attachment of the nerve roots within the foramina consists of adipose and connective tissue.

OI是以骨骼易碎和韧带松弛为特征的罕见遗传性胶原代谢障碍性疾病。Summary of Background Data. OI is a rare genetic collagen disorder that is characterized by bone fragility and ligamentous laxity.

野外跑步常导致踝关节韧带损伤,但是一定要记住有可能发生骨折。Trail running will result in more ankle ligamentous injuries than fractures, but the possibility of fracture should be kept in mind.

骨折及损伤分型的鉴别有利于诊断是否存在隐匿性韧带损伤。Identification of the fractures and classification of the type of injury allows diagnosis of the otherwise occult ligamentous injuries.

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垂直力通常来自股骨,引起前方垂直方向的耻骨支骨折和后方韧带损伤。Often the vertical force is the femur, which causes vertically orientated ramal fractures anteriorly and ligamentous injury posteriorly.

寰枢韧带复合体完整时,椎板内螺钉在限制轴向旋转方面优于狭部螺钉,与椎弓根固定相似。With the intact atlantoaxial ligamentous complex, intralaminar fixation was superior to pars and similar to pedicle instrumentation at limiting axial torsion.

复杂的手术暴露的肘部受伤是技术上要求很高,因为高密度的神经,血管,和周围韧带要素肘部。Surgical exposures for complex injuries about the elbow are technically demanding because of the high density of neurologic, vascular, and ligamentous elements around the elbow.

对于内踝和后踝骨折的进一步评估可确定损伤的完整分期以及韧带断裂的位置。Subsequent assessment for medial malleolar fracture and then posterior malleolar fracture defines the stage of completeness of the injury and localizes the sites of ligamentous disruption.

最终,由于严重的骨质缺损和侧副韧带损伤,我们选择假体我们选择加强型、固定型、模块化、限制性假体以达到最大的屈曲度。Finally, the severity of bone loss and collateral ligamentous insufficiency required an implant system with maximum flexibility in terms of augmentation, fixation, modularity, and constraint.

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这使得胸腰筋膜的后层,成为一个强有力的连接肌肉的韧带系统,在屈腰时帮助维持腰段脊柱的稳定上发挥重要作用。It is suggested that such arragement of the posterior layer may constitute a substantial muscle-linked ligamentous system which aids in the stabilisation of the flexed lumbar vertebral column.