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我曾经是个直率而爽朗的人。I was downright chipper.

有些则完全是污蔑性的。Some are downright insulting.

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他们的声明是彻头彻尾的废话。Their statement was a downright inanity.

事实上,我想他说的是这真够古怪离奇的。In fact, I think he said it was downright weird.

你可以放声尖叫、自以为是或者破口大骂。You can scream, be self righteous or downright offensive.

其他细节不仅可怕,而且更加令人震惊。Other details are not just gruesome, but downright shocking.

但是对于你,那东西要是在你的鼻子上,那就等于完全是毁了你的整张脸。But to you, that thing on your nose is downright disfiguring.

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但这样做却会让管理者看起来太没有人情味了。But being too cautious can make a boss seem downright heartless.

不要向往毒药——不要变成由我照管的十十足足的夏娃!Don't long for poison -- don't turn out a downright Eve on my hands!

他做这些选择的原因我们一直不太清楚——实际上是完全不清楚。The why of these choices is often not clear — actually downright murky.

你需要很强悍,有些时候甚至要残酷无情。You're going to need to be tough in general, sometimes downright ruthless.

那些声称看起来完全被欺骗应该立即下台。Those whose claims look downright fraudulent should stand down immediately.

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事实上,他就会从一个明显的好战分子变得尽可能给你带来好处。Actually, he'll go from downright belligerent to being as benefic as can be.

其向这个特殊的受众宣传的概念显然非常可怕。The notion of presenting it to this particular audience was downright scary.

山姆·洛克威尔所描述的多样化和感伤绝对使人难以忘怀。The disparity and melancholy that Sam Rockwell portrays is downright haunting.

你们的见面会产生一个新的挚友友,或者以彻头彻尾的不幸结束。Your get together can lead to a new best friend or end up in downright disaster.

这些虫子的一些战斗策略起初看起来似乎很野蛮,很诡异。At first, some of the critter’s combat strategies seem barbaric or downright bizarre.

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床太软,房间太冷,整个环境让人不寒而栗。The beds were too soft, the rooms too cold and the overall atmosphere downright creepy.

格雷厄姆宣称,这些食物不仅是不健康的,而且是彻头彻尾不道德的。Graham alleged that these substances were not merely unhealthful, but downright immoral.

我向来认定,简历外充斥灭遁辞、半真半假的现实和彻头彻尾的谎话。I had always assumed CVs were riddled with evasions, half-truths and downright whoppers.