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那么什么叫“外部成本”?So what's an externality?

横江就是一个典型的外部成本例子。Hengjiang is a classic externality.

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叫外部性,这里边存在了外部性It's an "externality." It's an externality. There's an externality here.

第一章主要从清代国家制定法的外在性工匠角色转换。The first chapter is mainly from countries of externality craftsman role.

但是如果外部性可以用来解释气候变化问题,那么这种影响在一定程度上看会帮助到穷人吗?But what if the externality could be accounted for, in a way that helped the poor?

旅游业的外部不经济性将导致社会资源的低效配置。Tourism externality would lead to the low efficient collocation of social resources.

处理这类预期之外后果的正确方法应是,向债务人收税,即让污染者承担损失。The right response to an externality of this kind is to tax it—to make the polluter pay.

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逆向物流具有准公共物品的特征,由此决定了它还具有正外部效应和负外部效应。Reverse logistics has positive externality on account of its feature of quasi-public goods.

概言之,即借助于道德,使人的内在与外在趋于理想中的和谐。In a word, supported by virtue, one's internality and externality tend to the ideal harmony.

所以对双星式城市环境外部性的研究有着重要意义。So it is of great significance to study the environmental externality in double-star cities.

当其他人对某产品的使用将增加该产品对单个消费者的效用,这种产品就被称为具有连带外部效应的产品。A network externality arises when others’ use of a product makes it more valuable to each consumer.

而且随着网络外部性强度的减小,这种先动优势将不断减弱。Further more, the first-mover advantage may weaken as the intension of network externality lessens.

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由于反倾销具有正外部性,中国很多企业“搭便车”,造成反倾销的负数和博弈。The positive externality of antidumping and "free ride" of enterprise lead to the negative-sum game.

由于反倾销具有正外部性,中国很多企业“搭便车”,造成反倾销的负数和博弈。The positive externality of antidumping and" free ride" of enterprise lead to the negative-sum game.

新闻曝光使污染问题的外延型更加清晰。With every news report, the externality dimension of environmental problems seems to become clearer.

而公共交通属于具有“拥挤性”的公共产品,具有自然垄断性和外部性等特点。Public transportation belongs to a "crowded" public product with natural monopolizing and externality.

同时由于利润转移政策的外溢效应,两国政府有进行串谋的激励。Futhermore, externality of rent-shifting policy gives rise to incentive to collude by both governments.

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在再生水全成本价格模型中,需要计算再生水的资源成本。Also the meaning of resource cost and externality cost of different electricity generation are discussed.

俄亥俄州的一个燃煤热电厂,其外部成本将会影响格陵兰岛,澳大利亚,苏丹以及俄亥俄。A coal-burning plant in Ohio creates an externality for people in Greenland, Australia, the Sudan and Ohio.

现行审计质量问题是审计委托权配置失范的外部性表现。The current auditing quality problems are the externality of incorrect allocation of auditing authorization.