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于是夜莺不停地唱下去。The nightingale sang on.

Me们听见夜莺正在尽情地歌唱。We hear the nightingale at his best.

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黄莺儿是一个任人欣赏的艾勒维奥。The nightingale is a gratuitous Elleviou.

美妙的童声向夜莺在歌唱。Children's voice like nightingale singing.

南丁格尔精神永不灭。The Nightingale spirit never extinguishes.

夜晚你会听到夜莺啭鸣。You can hear a nightingale whistle at night.

你形单影只地站在夜莺啼唱的时分!Thou standest alone, as the nightingale sings!

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夜莺很快被带进了宫里见皇帝。At once nightingale was brought to the emperor.

那是树林里的夜鹰。It was the nightingale that lived in the woods.

她和朋友弗罗伦斯•南丁格尔一起工作。And she worked with her friend Florence Nightingale.

在那里,她遇见著名的护士弗罗伦斯•南丁格尔。There, she met the famous nurse Florence Nightingale.

枭鸟唱歌,夜莺屏息。When the owl sings,the nightingale will hold her peace.

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弗罗伦斯·南丁格尔出身富有家庭,相貌俊俏。Florence Nightingale came from a rich family and was very pretty.

这时树又年夜声叫夜莺顶得更紧些。And the Tree cried to the Nightingale to press closer against the thorn.

然而玫瑰树大喊着让夜莺刺的深一些。But the Tree cried to the Nightingale to press closer against the thorn.

但是玫瑰树让夜莺距离自己的刺更近一些,“压得更紧一点,小夜莺。”But the Tree cried to the Nightingale to press closer against the thorn.

当她返回英国时,人们把弗罗伦斯·南丁格尔作为女英雄来欢迎。On her return to England people greeted Florence Nightingale as a heroine.

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男性不会接受护理学校传授的弗洛伦斯·南丁格尔那陈旧的一套。Men don't buy the Florence Nightingale garbage they teach in nursing school.

这只可爱的小夜莺快速飞到皇帝寝宫的窗边。Quickly the dear little nightingale flew down to the Emperor's bedroom window.

夜莺了解学生忧伤的原因,她默无声息地坐在大橡树树上。The nightingale understand the student's sorrow and sat silent in the Oak-tree.