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加利亚具2边缘的齿近先端,无喙。Galea with 2 marginal teeth near apex, beakless.

对于在飞机上,Galea的建议就是选择坐在出口附近。On planes, Galea recommends choosing a seat close to an exit.

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同样地,一些比较实际的方法是很容易实施的。There are also practical ideas that are easier to implement, Galea says.

Galea同时还调查了人们在逃离一所着火的房子或被水淹的房子时心里是怎么想的。Galea is also investigating how people think when trying to escape house fires or a flooding house.

另外,研究队伍还没有对于神经细胞的生长进行过多的研究。In addition, the team has not yet looked at nerve-cell growth in dams that have had more than one pup, Galea says.

每一个从双子星大厦逃出来的人手中都可能握有可以拯救更多生命的资讯,加里亚说。Every person who escaped from the twin towers potentially held information that could save lives , professor galea said.

Gelea还研究了怀孕的大鼠和生产过的大鼠海马体中新神经的发育情况。Galea also has been studying new nerve growth in the hippocampus, both in pregnant rats and in rat mothers, known as dams.

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目的为颅前窝组织缺损一次性修复重建提供研究资料。Objective To supply anatomy data for repair of anterior cranial fossa injuries using calvaria and galea aponeurotica vescularized flaps.

这些研究结果说明在生理层面,怀孕及产后早期是“最低潮的”。The findings suggest that on the biological level, pregnancy and the early postpartum period "are almost like a down time, " Galea says.

所有24例实施了筋膜间皮瓣技术的患者,术后均达到面神经额颞支功能保留。The frontotemporal branch of the facial nerve courses above the galea. The interfascial temporalis flap techniques has been used in 24 patients.

我还想接着问一下刚才提到的医生的问题,很多医生都可以做血液透析,是什么促使你找安东尼-盖利亚治疗?Q. If I could just follow-up on Chris's question, there are a lot of doctors who do blood spinning, and what was it that prompted you to go to or have Dr. Galea come?

马耳他总统阿贝拉和议长加利亚向中国人民,特别是遇难者家属致以衷心慰问,表示马耳他人民对中国人民遭受的灾难感同身受。Maltese President George Abela and Parliament Speaker Louis Galea sent condolences to the Chinese people, especially the families of the victims, saying that the Maltese people felt the same pain.