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修女们住在一个幽静的修道院里。The nuns live in a cloister of calm.

他环抱着回廊那潮湿的柱子。He coiled around the moist cloister pillars.

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你所看见的是一个修道院的内部。What you beheld was the interior of a cloister.

原来屋架全靠墙外回廊上的木柱支撑。The original roof trusses on the wall outside the cloister support.

一个修道院的蜂蜜可以用来兑换另一个修道院的蜂蜡。The honey of one cloister could readily be exchanged for the vinegar of another.

那个黑洞,大家称它为唱诗台,经过一条过道,和修院相通。That cavern, which was called the choir, communicated with the cloister by a lobby.

修道院后面有一道开向德罕的侧门,从德罕就能到河岸去。Behind the cloister there is a little door which opens on the Terrain and the water.

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一个精心设计的回廊,可以获取适当的阳光、光线和风景。A cloister that opens strategically, looking for the right amount of sun, light and views.

1894年,拱形门完工了,1899年的玫瑰门也完工了—这是通向诞生回廊的大门。In 1894 the apse façade was finished and in 1899 the Roser door, one of the entrances to the Nativity cloister.

回廊和院子之间的立面实际是个大的货架系统,除了书架还包括抽屉和橱柜。The facade between the cloister and the courtyard is indeed a big shelf system and contains besides shelves also drawers and cupboards.

在她的妙龄时期,正当九三年,她嫁给一个从隐修院里逃出来的修士,这修士戴上红帽子,从圣伯尔纳的信徒一变而为雅各宾派①。In her youth, in '93, she had married a monk who had fled from his cloister in a red cap, and passed from the Bernardines to the Jacobins.

神父转过脸去,望着窗外暮色笼罩的天井,以及天井对面女修道院饭厅的窗户。The priest turned away from Leon and looked out the window at the patio full of shadows and the dining-room windows of the nuns' cloister across the patio.

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在这发轫时期,珂赛特还半浸在修院那种萦回着的烟雾里,任何更实际、更密切的接触都会使她感到唐突。Any nearer and more palpable meeting would have alarmed Cosette at this first stage, when she was still half immersed in the exaggerated mists of the cloister.

让埃里斯特人的感到自豪的是他们拥有该共和国最大的佛庙——“释迦摩尼金色的寺院”,那儿有全欧洲最高大的佛像。Elista's pride is the largest Buddhist temple in the republic – "the Golden Cloister of Buddha Shakjamuni" where the highest in Europe Buddha statue is situated.

让埃里斯特人的感到自豪的是他们拥有该共和国最大的佛庙——“释迦摩尼金色的寺院”,那儿有全欧洲最高大的佛像。Elista's pride is the largest Buddhist temple in the republic – “the Golden Cloister of Buddha Shakjamuni” where the highest in Europe Buddha statue is situated.

玛丽也许称这部书为她“可怕的孩子,”令人想起弗兰肯斯坦的怪物,但不像维克多.弗兰肯斯坦那样,她没有把自己躲起来创造它。Mary may have called the book her "hideous progeny, " calling to mind Frankenstein's monster, but unlike Victor Frankenstein, she did not cloister herself to construct it.

何况,即使从最坏的情况设想,有危险的也只可能是他本人,总不能因自己曾被判处坐苦役牢,便可用这作理由,认为有权利判处珂赛特去进修院。And then, to face the worst, there was danger only for himself,and he had no right to condemn Cosette to the cloister for the reason that he had been condemned to the galleys.

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他知道在什么地方可以找到从修道院通向教堂的那道红门的钥匙,而且,众所周知,他是经常带着一把钟塔扶梯的钥匙的。He knew where to find the key to the red door, which connected the cloister with the church, and he always had about him, as the reader knows, the key of the staircase leading to the towers.

下面这张忏悔词是在那修院里石板地上拾到的,这是一个七岁的犯罪姑娘事先写好以免忘记的It was on one of the flagstones of this cloister that there was once picked up a confession which had been written out in advance, in order that she might not forget it, by a sinner of seven years

此工程的目的是给人一种居住在蜗牛内部的感觉,像软体动物一样从一个房间爬到另一个房间,像寄居在一座大型化石修道院里的寄生动物一样。The goal of this project was to make it feel like an internal inhabitant of a snail, like a mollusk moving from one chamber to another, like a symbiotic dweller of a huge fossil maternal cloister.