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今天我没可能去看他。I won't be ble to see him tody.

上帝保佑美利坚合众国。And God ble the United States of America.

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光明啊,请赐予我力量吧。让我摧毁这些邪恶。Light, grant me one final ble ing. Give me the strength to shatter these bonds.

Ble承认他应该更小心一些但他曾信任Google.Ble admits that he should have been more careful but he had confidence in Google.

祝你在新的一克鲁克年里身体健康,多福多寿。Rich ble ines for health and longevity is my ecial wish for you in the coming year.

这里有Ble列出的关于他的团队遇到的五个问题Here are five issues Ble lists that give a sense of the problems his team encountered.

这就好比中国2006年的股票市场,他所工作的一个IT小公司的业绩开始像沉船般下滑。As China's stock market ble swelled in 2006, his job at a small IT firm began to feel like a sinking ship.

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关键是双模和单模芯片供应商对他们提供的BLE都非常有信心。Key is that both dual mode and single mode suppliers are confident that each will deliver and support BLE.

因为大家都知道在牛津大街上以每小时90英里的速度开车时不可能的,所以也没人注意。And since everyone knew that it was impossi?ble to do ninety miles an hour down Oxford Street, no one noticed.

光明祝福和强效光明祝福移除。他们的效果被其他相关技能整合了。Ble ing of Light and Greater Ble ing of Light removed. Their effects have been folded into all relevant abilities.

如果他不能康复,北朝鲜的秘密领导层将可能设立一个领导委员会,尽可能平稳地接管政权。And if he doesn't, North Korea's secretive leadership will likely set up a governing committee to take over as smoothly as possi ble.

认真发掘研究和继承这些宝贵文化遗产,对于加强社会主义和谐社会建设,仍具有积极意义。Finding out, studying and carrying on the valu- ble cultural heritage carefully is active significance in the construction of harmonious society.

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Chanezon在他的留言里说Google已经了解到Ble的很多观点,他说公司正在修复这些问题In his comment, Chanezon said that many of the points that Ble makes are known by Google. He said the company is working to correct the problems.