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赫尔曼得救了!Herman was saved!

霍曼叔叔什么时候走的?。What time did Uncle Herman leave?

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这个想法被赫尔曼-外尔发展了。This idea was seized upon by Herman Weyl.

赫尔曼•罗森布拉特很会讲故事。Herman Rosenblat knew how to tell a story.

赫尔曼与救生筏的距离越来越大了。The gap between Herman and the raft was widening.

无论如何,我们来到官赫尔曼广场入手,中华民国国旗。Anyway, we went to Justin Herman Plaza toting ROC flags.

跟孩子们一起把埃瑞克·贺曼的歌和自己改好的歌唱一遍。Step 9. Sing the song with the children and Eric Herman.

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我的祖父赫尔曼在一个钢铁厂工作。My grandfather Herman worked in the Wheeling Steel plant.

因为你,我才知道了什么是爱情。——赫尔曼?黑塞。If I know what love is, it is because of you. – Herman Hesse.

这张照片摄于2000年,智利阿塔卡马沙漠。Herman and Candelaria Zapp in 2000 in the Atacama Desert, Chile.

赫门伍库斯是一位精神科医生,同时也是退伍军人事例的专家。Herman Vukusic, is a psychiatrist and an expert on veteran cases.

比如,赫尔曼•凯恩即将发布一套全新的Meetup战略。For example, Herman Cain is about to announce a new Meetup strategy.

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辩论以赫尔曼。凯恩为其改变美国税法的三九计划辩护开始。The debate started with Herman Cain defending his 9-9-9 plan to revamp the U.

研究人员对托马斯•哈代、D.H.劳伦斯、赫尔曼•梅尔维尔的著作进行了分析。Researchers analyzed books by Thomas Hardy, D.H. Lawrence, and Herman Melville.

他让我下定决心去购买了一张让我可以舒适工作的椅子,和一台30″的苹果影院显示器。He convinced me to buy a Herman Miller Aeron chair and a 30″ Apple Cinema display.

赫曼·伦纳德搬去了洛杉矶,重新开始了人生及事业。And Herman Leonard moved to Los Angeles where he reestablished his life and career.

赫尔曼是个很强壮的游泳健将,但是救生筏的速度比他游的快。Herman was a strong swimmer, but the raft was travelling faster than he could swim.

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统计学家赫尔曼·霍尔瑞斯用打孔卡把1890年美国人口普查数据制成表格。Statistician Herman Hollerith used punch cards to tabulate data from the 1890 U.S. census.

此外,欧洲理事会主席范龙佩也将访华。In addition, Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European Council will pay a visit to China.

Herman迷失在“儿童可以从他们母亲的怀抱被拉走去枪杀”的世界中。Herman is adrift in a world where "children could be dragged away from their mother and shot".