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他现在神志昏迷。He is delirious.

在狂灼的悠长蓝色里向上,再向上Up, up the long, delirious burning blue

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那医生以为她说胡话。The doctor thought that she was delirious. She added

欢迎来到玻利维亚摔跤这个狂热的世界。Welcome to the delirious world of Bolivian wrestling.

她这么丧魂落魄已有半个钟头了。She must have been half an hour in this delirious condition.

霍布总要打断讲课,来讲他那些希奇古怪的故事。During the fever he become delirious and say some strange thing.

我想起了埃迪·邓克尔那在时代广场游荡的鬼魂。I thought of Ed Dunkel's ghost on Times Square. I was delirious.

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发高烧时他神志昏迷,说了些稀奇古怪的事。During the fever he became delirious and said some strange things.

他所到之处,听众无不欢欣若狂。Everywhere he went, audiences reacted with almost delirious delight.

程夫人觉得有点担心,她想她的丫环肯定是神志不清。Mrs. Cheng really got worried then, because she thought her maid was delirious.

在大部分时间里她对周围的一切毫无知觉,而且还常常讲胡话。Most of the time she was quite unconscious of her surroundings and often delirious.

那个无家可归的男子仍然在大街上,他神志不清,无法说出自己的名字。The homeless man was still out in the street, but he was too delirious to give his name.

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但最终我们对令人发狂的、混乱的无限竞争的容忍是有限的。But eventually our tolerance for the delirious chaos of infinite competition finds its limits.

在一些激动人心的时刻,命运戏弄了广大球迷,他们认为创造奇迹很有可能。For a few delirious moments, fate teased a continent of fans with the possibility of a miracle.

全营的人在日日狂喜中怀着希望,德国被我们打垮了,日本还能持久吗?The camp was delirious with hope, we had licked the Germans, and we were going to lick the Japanese.

我们的狗阿尔丁一看到我们进屋,发狂似的兴奋,跳上来舔我的手。Once inside the house, our dog Arden, delirious with glee at our return, jumped up and licked my hand.

今天清晨,一个贫瘠的山坡上爆发出成功的喜悦和激动的反应。On a barren hillside, the long-awaited sound of success and the delirious reaction here early this morning.

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我们幸福得都快晕了,陶醉在蜜月之旅的希望、温柔和激情之中。We were deliriously happy, delirious with the hope, infatuation, tenderness, and warmth that go with a honeymoon.

我们从未见到那两个出轨的配偶,正是他们的婚外情把两个孤独的邻居卷入一场意乱情迷的浪漫旋涡。We never see the faces of the spouses whose affair pulls two lonely neighbours into their delirious romantic spiral.

他的神志有些混乱,听到远处的黄铜信下黄铜把手咔嗒地想。He becomes delirious with dreaming and hears distantly the brass handle under the Brassoed letterbox clattering once.