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鲸鱼是哺乳动物。The whale is a mammal.

鲸是一种哺乳动物。A whale is a kind of mammal.

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食蚁兽先生是一种蓝而小的哺乳动物。Aardvark is a blue, small mammal.

食蚁兽先生是一种蓝色的小型哺乳动物。Aardvark is a blue and small mammal.

貂熊是一中小而猛烈的动物。A wolverine is a small fierce mammal.

貂熊是一种小型,凶猛的哺乳动物。A wolverine is a small, fierce mammal.

叉角羚羊是美洲跑得最快的哺乳动物。The pronghorn is America's fastest mammal.

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哺乳是哺乳动物的本能。A hoofed mammal of the order Perissodactyla.

草地较之哺乳动物的大脑更复杂吗?Is a meadow more complex than a mammal brain?

骆驼是一种哺乳动物,但是几维鸟是一种鸟。The camel is a mammal , but the kiwi is bird.

大象是唯一一种不会跳的哺乳类动物。The elephant is the only mammal that can’t jump.

一胎多仔的动物一次生的后代。the offspring at one birth of a multiparous mammal.

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另见“恐龙纪哺乳动物——我们的‘侏罗纪祖先’?”See "Dino-era Mammal the 'Jurassic Mother' of Us All?"

比如,小头鼠海豚是世界上最珍贵的海洋哺乳动物。Forexample, vaquita is the world's rarest marine mammal.

蚂蚁的肌肉和哺乳动物的肌肉在许多方面都很不相同。A. Ants’ muscles are not unlike those of a mammal in many ways.

原产于北美和中美夜间活动的杂食性哺乳动物。Omnivorous nocturnal mammal native to north and central america.

另一个来自一种长得像山羊的哺乳动物的腿骨碎片。the other, a leg bone fragment from a mammal the size of a goat.

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多莉羊是用成体细胞克隆的第一头哺乳动物。Dolly was the first mammal to have been cloned from an adult cell.

贝尔科那普最初发现这块较大哺乳动物的骨头时感到吃惊。Belknap was initially surprised to find the bone of a larger mammal.

对哺乳动物来说,卵生和长有毒刺是很少见的。It is very unusual for a mammal to lay eggs or to have poisonous spurs!