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之后会有不幸的夜晚。There comes a luckless night.

也许把所有的责任推给一只不幸的猫不公平。Perhaps it is unfair to put all the responsibility on one luckless cat.

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公使举办的这个不吉利的庆祝会要夺去我的欢乐,并且把您的话儿打断了。This luckless fete at the ambassador's deprives me of a pleasure and interrupts you.

许多城市,包括走霉运的底特律,都与攀爬的犯罪率角斗着。Plenty of cities are struggling with upticks in violent crime, including luckless Detroit.

总之失败的结果是那么刺目,这就是足球的特征呈现给米兰人的。Then the woodworks, the goals almost scored by Seedorf, Kaká, and Gilardino, who was once again luckless tonight.

犯罪的结果就是更多的罪恶,我们会发现自己深陷其中、无法自拔,就像条不幸的鳟鱼,无法挣脱。Sin becomes the consequence of sin. We find ourselves entrapped and enslaved, and like a luckless trout, we cannot wriggle free.

这些答案不仅会决定历史学家如何评判“倒霉”的前首相戴维·卡梅伦,还将会有更深远的影响。The answers will determine much more than simply how harshly historians judge David Cameron, the luckless former prime minister.

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与不幸的同步两个世界的碰撞和古老的力量,把这年轻人开始发挥出它的残酷的游戏。With luckless synchronicity two worlds collide and the ancient force that has snared the young people starts to play out its cruel game.

最初,一个年轻的孩子曼诺林和他一起分担恶运,但在过了四十天倒霉日子之后,孩子的爸爸让孩子到另一条船上干活去了。At first a young boy, Manolin, had shared his bad fortune, but after the fortieth luckless day the boy's father told his son to go in another boat.

最初,一个年轻的孩子曼诺林和他一起分担恶运,但在过了四十天倒霉日子之后,孩子的爸爸让孩子到另一条船上干活去了。At first a young Boy , Manolin, had shared his Bad fortune, But after the fortieth luckless day the Boy 's father told his son to go in another Boat.

宏伟堂皇的大厅内,墙上装饰着那些不幸的猎物的犄角——更不用说射死它们的那些兵器了。The walls of its imposing entrance hall are festooned with the antlers of luckless local game animals-not to mention the weaponry that dispatched it.

不幸的本田车队在伊莫拉经历了又一次的沮丧之后,一定会想知道他们必须怎么做才能改变自己的运气。The luckless honda team must be wondering just what they have to do to change their fortunes after another bitterly disappointing race performance in imola.

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在波哥经过那个倒霉的下午后,我们来到南部沿海城市凯普,在海边一家人家的棚屋附近扎营。In the southern coastal town of Kep, where we spent the night after our luckless afternoon at Bokor, we camped near a family that lived in a shack on the coast.

他急急地向卧房的半开的门里投去一瞥,证实了我所说的是真实的,这不吉利的人才离开了这所房子。He sent a rapid glance through the half-open door of the chamber, and, ascertaining that what I stated was apparently true, delivered the house of his luckless presence.

他总是悄悄的,坚持不懈的招募合适的球员,也许运气不好,萨莫拉和安迪。约翰逊都没打出来。In his quiet, conscientious way he has gathered some useful players around him, and perhaps his luckless strikers, Bobby Zamora and Andy Johnson, are due a change of fortune.

在那个不幸的夜晚,我忽然想起去考验一下我妻子是否待我忠实,我用了最粗俗而且普通的办法,不管熟悉事实还是虚构的人都耳熟能详。One luckless evening it occurred to me to test my wife's fidelity in a vulgar, commonplace way familiar to everyone who has acquaintance with the literature of fact and fiction.