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具有可预测性是很有好处的。Predictability is good.

也许那就是可预测性的定义?Maybe that's the definition of predictability?

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你的可预测性给别人易于控制的感觉。Your predictability gives them a sense of control.

同样你可以用他们的预测来反治他们。Also you can use people's predictability against them.

你可以选择完全的可预见性。You could have variability with complete predictability.

而是美国体系的可预言性。Rather, it was the predictability of the American system.

他们不介意什么时候实现稳定性和可预测性。They don't mind when it delivers stability and predictability.

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但是夫妻可以运用这一可预测性保持爱情的甜蜜。But couples can lasso this predictability to keep the fire hot.

可预测性是机器按照期望的那样来运转的能力。Predictability is the ability of a machine to behave as expected.

增加生产力和可预测性的5级框架Five-level framework for increased productivity and predictability

所以,我认为这才是我更加喜欢的可预言级别。So I think that's the level of predictability that I would prefer to have.

收敛通过使系统变得稳定且可靠来达到可预测性。Convergence achieves predictability by making a system stable and reliable.

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我们需要把提高软件的可预测性和质量提上日程。We need to improve the predictability and quality of our software across the board.

稳定性、可靠性和可预测性是达到内心宁静的方法。Stability, reliability, and predictability are the means of achieving peace of mind.

经济学人将自己视为特权、浮夸和预言家的敌人。The Economist considers itself the enemy of privilege, pomposity and predictability.

这样设计是为了保持经过调优的设置,确保系统具有可预测性。This is to preserve any well-tuned settings and ensure predictability for your systems.

和风能和太阳能相比,潮汐发电的优点在于它的可预测性。Compared to wind and solar energy, tidal generation has the advantage of predictability.

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婚姻的基础应该具备责任心、可靠性和可预见性。Marriages are built on a foundation of responsibility, dependability and predictability.

这意味着短期的较小尺度降水的可预报性很小。This means that there is less predictability in short-term smaller-scale precipitation forecast.

当确定性和过程可预测性的等级很高时,您可以着重于活动的度量。When levels of certainty and process predictability are high, you can focus on measuring activity.