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您的就医资格和医疗津贴不会因通知而有所改变。Your MEDI- CAL eligibility and benefits are not changed by notice.

根据新的要求,海外旅行是否会影响入籍资格?Will travel overseas affect eligibility under the new requirements?

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持证人证实有资格領取香港永久性居民身份证。Holder's eligibility for Hong Kong permanent identity card verified.

评定临床试验是否入选的条件已预先设定。We assessed the eligibility of each trial using pre-defined criteria.

她的资历和经验决定她适宜做这项工作.Her qualifications and experience confirm her eligibility for the job.

在向SOA转变的过程中,他们构建了企业范围内的资格服务。In transitioning to SOA, they built an enterprise-wide eligibility services.

结果按硬胶囊剂的要求,各检查项合格。Results According to the request of Capsule, every check up was eligibility.

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毕业生工作签证的资格要求是什么?What would be the visa eligibility requirements for the post-study work visa?

一般采用显微镜检验,可以用三针测量法来对螺纹中径进行简易测量。In diameter to test the precision thread an important indicator of eligibility.

非优先的系统将只是加入合格节点池并正常运作。Non-favored systems will simply join the eligibility pool and proceed as normal.

以及关乎部队利益的选拔合格标准也不会改变。Nor will there be any change to the eligibility standards for military benefits.

只有球员满足如下条件,协会方可赋予其注册资格Anassociation may only grant a player eligibility to play on the followingconditions

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解释政治避难者和他们家庭成员绿卡的资格标准和申请程序。Explains the refugees eligibility criteria and application process for a green card.

多种香型和颜色可选择,并代加工。Various fragrant types and the color eligibility choose, and the generation process.

曼联主帅弗格森爵士把小董获得出场资格描述为令人兴奋的事。United manager Sir Alex Ferguson has described his eligibility to play as "exciting".

你只可于同一学年内,就一个合资格的全日制课程申请资助。Your eligibility is restricted to only one eligible full-time course at any one time.

该服务返回有关患者福利和资格状态的基本资料。This service returns fundamental data about a patient’s benefit and eligibility status.

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佛山市政府的本意是要放松对购房者购买多套住房的限制。Foshan's moves were going to loosen rules on eligibility for purchases of additional homes.

现在,全国高校运动协会来到学校要求看该运动员的学习成绩达标的证明。Now, the NCAA goes to the college and asks for proof of this player's academic eligibility.

1962年,罗宾森被引荐进棒球名人堂,并于同年首次获得票选资格。Robinson was inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame in 1962, his first year of eligibility.