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通常形容的是一种混乱的状态。A state of confusion and disorderliness.

杂乱则一事无成,而又紧张无比。Disorderliness will make nothing and nervous.

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你是怎样处理你区域的混乱?L How do you deal with disorderliness in your area?

她因为她的房间乱七八糟而挨骂。She was scolded for the disorderliness of her room.

我们能不能做些什么来结束办公室里的混乱状态?Can we do something to end the disorderliness in the office ?

思迈的管理也非常的有秩序。Thinks of management also unusual disorderliness which steps.

别问我,思绪紊乱的时候,我也不知道自己在画什么。I din't know what I was painting when my source of feelings are disorderliness.

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你是怎样处理你区域的混乱?你的工作方式趋于长期性吗?。How do you deal with disorderliness in your area? Does your approach work on a long-term basis?

整个混乱无序的历史,在人工的秩序下封闭了多少年,突然爆发出来。The whole disorderliness of history, concealed under artificial order for years, suddenly spurts out.

从十五六岁到二十二三岁,我这一阶段的生活是完全杂乱无序的。This period of my life, from the age of fifteen or sixteen to twenty-two or twenty-three, was one of utter disorderliness.

还有就是国家在商业地产这方面的政策法规不够完善,行业出现无序现象。It is the national policy in this area in the commercial real estate and regulations are not perfect, disorderliness industry phenomenon.