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如果平局就掷硬币Flip if tie.

你们都把硬币抛起来。You all flip it.

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他做了一个后空翻。He did a backward flip.

现在我们换一下Let's flip things around.

这是另一股力量。So, this is the flip side.

他甚至来了一个大大的后滚翻。He even did a great back flip.

我能做四周后空翻吗?Can I do a quadruple back flip?

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都是侧翻的一种。It is sort of like a side flip.

使用倒装图表或白纸板.Use a flip chart or white board

看看领子翻好了没有。Be sure to flip down your collar.

我甚至让人们从我身上翻越过去。I’ve even had people flip me off.

那只猴子用一次又一次的翻转嘲笑我。The monkey mocks me with each flip.

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约翰爸爸与小约翰做空翻。Papa John and Little John do a flip.

你需要把鸡肉翻面了。But you have to flip over the chicken.

如果太平,运动员将翻转。If it is too flat, athletes will flip.

手翻书到了最后一页了。The flip book's down to its last pages.

可是他试著要后空翻的时候却跌倒了。But he fell when he tried the back flip.

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你是否也是轻轻的弹掉长长的那截灰烬的?Do you just slightly flip off the ashes?

没有什么穿着好鞋的男孩或是轻佻的收银员。No boys with nice shoes or flip cashiers.

打开开关,这些大鼠记住了。Flip the switch on, and the rats remember.