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我们必须节约燃料。We must economize on fuel.

我情愿节衣不愿缩食。I'd rather economize on clothes than food.

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我们宁愿节衣不愿缩食。We'd rather economize on clothes than food.

因为挣的钱少了,我只好节约一点。As I'm making less money, I have to economize.

关于节俭的,大意是如果不节俭,就会受穷。He who will not economize will have to agonize.

电力企业应当节约用水。The power enterprises shall economize on water.

因此,我们务必节约他们最聪明的。As a result, we must economize them most cleverly.

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请节约用水谢谢合作!Please economize the water, thanks for cooperation!

佐格比表示,年轻人正在学习厉行节约。Zogby said younger people are learning to economize.

他宁愿俭衣节食,而不愿节省旅游开销。He'd rather economize on clothes and food than travel.

真理是我们最宝贵的东西,让我们省着用。Truth is the most valuable thing we have let us economize it.

节约各类能源和资源,努力发展循环经济。Economize on energy and resources to develop a cyclic economy.

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真相是我们所有物中最有价值的。让我们省着用吧。Truth is the most valuable thing we have. Let us economize it.

水虽然是可再生资源,但我们仍然需要节约使用。Though water is a renewable resource, we should still economize.

水侧节约使用冷空气冷却一个外部水塔。Water-side economize use cold air to cool an exterior water tower.

家庭主妇可以购买加仑装的牛奶而节省开支。Housewives can economize by buying their milk in gallon containers.

因而节约水资源对每个人来说都势在必行。Thus, it is necessary for everyone to economize on water resources.

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玛丽语气坚定地说,“我必须每月都要节省,只是为了给你交私立学校的学费。I have to economize every month just to pay your private school tuition.

去年为了省几百文钱﹐是买了旧报纸来糊的。Last year, to economize a little, they had bought and used old newspaper.

因此,必须学会如何节约使用空间来显示信息。Therefore, you have to learn to economize in how you present information.