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他们在玩国际跳棋。They are playing a game of draughts.

西洋跳棋比象棋简单。Draughts is an easier game than chess.

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挡住门窗处的穿堂风。Block draughts around doors and windows.

游戏都是在棋盘上比赛的游戏。Chess, draughts and ludo are 'board games.

在窗户和门附近有通风口吗?Are there draughts around windows and doors?

在棋盘上。红方先开始这场游戏。Draughts on the board at the beginning of the game.

你愿意放学后和我们下国际跳棋吗?Are you willing to play draughts with us after school?

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因此,宝玉只和众丫头们掷骰子赶围棋作戏。So Baoyu was left to amuse himself with the other maids at dice or draughts.

会的,当我还是个小男孩的时候,我很喜欢下跳棋和军棋。Yes. When I was a little boy, I was fond of Chinese draughts and army chess.

他兴奋不已地瞧了瞧桔子水,然后仰起头大口喝起来。Still excited, he stared at the orangeade in the glass, then tipped his head back and took several deep draughts.

游戏玩法与其他跳跳棋类似,用鼠标键点击,但只能隔一格跳。The game play with other jump draughts to is similar to, click with the mouse key, but can separate a space to jump.

我信步走去,一边深深呼吸着空气,一边慢慢地踱着步,头上仍戴着那顶白色的厨师帽。I made my way out there, breathing in great, deep draughts while walking slowly about, still wearing my white cook's hat.

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国际象棋、国际跳棋及儿童掷色子游戏都是在棋盘上比赛的游戏。He slipped on the ice and had a fall. A shout of fervent and worshipful praise. Chess, draughts and ludo are 'board games.

这本书“国际跳棋课程”是丰富辅以图表加以说明,并包含了大量的练习和解决方案。The book "A course on draughts" is richly illustrated with diagrams and contains a large amount of exercises and solutions.

如果圆底烧瓶置于空烧杯中,则可屏蔽气流使反应进行平稳。The reaction proceeds more smoothly if the round-bottom flask is shielded from draughts by being placed in an empty beaker.

从日期早的时间之前,基督是一种陈述的狮子和羚羊上发挥了吃水董事会。From a date far back before the time of Christ comes a representation of a lion and an antelope at play over a draughts board.

当然,性幻想的强烈冲动和受虐施虐构想在日本社会的规则下暗自涌动。Certainly, a strong vein of erotic fantasy, with deep draughts of sadomasochism, runs just beneath the order of Japanese society.

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脚下的树叶已经干枯了,在这块落叶林中间,长着一些冬青灌木,它们稠密的树叶足可以挡风。Under foot the leaves were dry, and the foliage of some holly bushes which grew among the deciduous trees was dense enough to keep off draughts.

棋盘摆反了,比赛可以进行,但必须把局面摆到一个正确的棋盘上。Thee draughts board has been wrongly placed , the game should continues, but the position reached must be transferred to a correctly placed board.

春天到了,繁花似锦,百鸟和鸣,我朋友房间里的窗户欢乐地打开了,窗户朝着花园,花园里清新的气息一阵阵向他袭来。Spring had dispensed its flowers, leaves, birds, and harmonies in abundance, and my friend's window cheerfully overlooked his garden which wafted its healthy draughts up to him.