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先脱衣服。Let's undress first.

我喜欢帮她脱衣服。I like to undress her.

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我不敢脱衣服。I couldn't bring myself to undress.

他马上让她脱掉衣服。Right away he tells her to undress.

洗澡时间到了。先脱衣服。It's bath time. Let's undress first.

比尔·克林顿很可能脱过一只麋鹿。Bill Clinton could probably undress a moose.

也许阿波罗妮娅想要他帮着她脱衣服。Maybe Apollonia had wanted hire to help her to undress.

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不要卖弄风情,女人,你知道如何让我赤裸相向。You can't be to flirty, mama, and know how to undress me.

我们总会本能地去评估、猜忌、揣测彼此。Instinctively, we assess, undress and best-guess each other.

她出去了,留下雷切尔一个人除衣淋浴。She went out, leaving Rachel to undress and have her shower.

并且她不会让我脱她的衣服衣服,而选择了在衣橱换衣服。And she would not let me undress her, hid in the wardrobe to change.

报到以后,你就要脱掉腰部以上的衣物,然后穿上一件特殊的袍服。Once checked in, you'll undress from the waist up and wear a special robe.

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生来福说为了诊断所需,要求漂亮的女病人脱衣服。Born- fu said that in order to diagnosis required for beautiful woman undress.

他抱怨地咕哝道,一面盖好炉火,开始脱衣。"Hang Ellen Olenska!" he grumbled, as he covered his fire and began to undress.

进了木屋,她帮范妮脱掉外衣,轻柔地把她放到床上。Once inside of the cabin, Ellen helped Fannie undress and gently tucked her in bed.

她推开我,笑了,“有的男人给了我十块钱,我脱了衣服,他们就不想要了。She pushed away and laughed, "Some men pay me ten and I undress and they don't want to do it.

不一会儿告状声连绵不断,谁在推人,谁还没脱衣服\谁又在讲话了。After a while he sound without stop, who is pushing people, who haven't undress \ who in speech.

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在房间里,她坐在床沿上,茫然地看看四周,就立刻动手脱衣服。Here she sat down on the edge of the bed, looking blankly around, and presently began to undress.

我喜欢她,所以,在她问我让她为我脱去衣服是否会感到舒服的时候,我说“肯定会”。I liked her, so when she asked me if I would feel comfortable letting her undress me, I said, "Sure."

当然我所想到的第一件事情就是,究竟机组人员是如何决定最后由谁来帮她脱掉衣服?Of course the first thing I thought was how in the world did the crew decide who would help her undress?