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有趣的是,每一个前提似乎都有其合理质疑之处And the interesting thing is that each one of these premises could be plausibly challenged.

而班主任却振振有词地说,这是为了“激励后进孩子奋进”,拒不改正。The class teacher is plausibly said, is to "inspire children Endeavour backward" and refused to correct.

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但有一些规定是可以谈的,而且可以谈判禁止进行像中国去年进行的那种反卫星武器试验。But some rules could plausibly be negotiated, along with a ban on ASAT test shots like China's of last year.

通常,至于选择何种方法,取决于是否能在抛出异常时合理地处理异常。Normally, the choice depends on whether you can plausibly handle the exception at the point where it's thrown.

夸夸其谈的热情演说之后,除非萨科奇先生拿出足够的实质性举措,否则他不能仅凭口头说服反市场的极左分子。Mr Sarkozy cannot plausibly head off the anti-market left unless there is enough substance behind his fiery talk.

本文立足当代中国与世界,提出了学前儿童性教育的迫切性和可行性。Based on both China and the world, this thesis has presented sex education for preschool children urgently and plausibly.

在这一意义上,“必要”可以合理的解释为,要求采取实现安理会维持和平义务的“必要”手段。In that sense, “necessary” can be understood plausibly as an instruction to accomplish the mandate by the means necessary.

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但在事实面前,袁还是振振有词地说,“阳光花园”大的问题没有,主要是一些粉刷方面的原因,是施工时没有搞好。But in fact, Yuan or plausibly said, "Sunshine Garden" is not a big problem, mainly because of some buildings, construction is not well.

由于之前保守党的乔治·奥斯本已经严厉抨击了金融街的奖金问题,出于惧怕心理,首相和财政大臣自然会决定在这个问题上再次发声。Fearful that George Osborne has sounded plausibly tough on City bonuses, the PM and Alistair Darling are determined to reclaim this ground.

最重要的是,罗姆尼可以让人们认为,在比他的大多数竞争者资金少得多的情况下,他是击败奥巴马的最佳人选。Most importantly, Mr Romney can plausibly make the case that as a less polarising figure than most of his rivals, he is best placed to defeat Barack Obama.

不管市场的对立情绪有多大,各方论说起来多么振振有词,最终还要看资金的流向。No matter the market opposition mood has in a big way, all quarters dissertation gets up how plausibly , also needs to look at the fund finally flow direction.

几位大脑专家称,这种变化可能合理地反映了正常生长的节奏,而受测者的智商变化可能是他们在两次智商测试中的不同临场表现造成的。Several brain specialists said the changes could just as plausibly reflect the pace of normal growth, and shifts in scores could be due to inconsistent test performance.

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下一步是在与语言有关的仿真实验中把个体的基因型与可测量的行为差别联系起来。The next step is to attempt to correlate individual genotypes with measurably different behaviors on experimental tasks that are plausibly related to language and speech.

摩根大通的策略分析师杰斯珀科尔认为,每年小幅提高消费税可以促使人们加快他们的支出计划。Jesper Koll , a strategist at JPMorgan, plausibly argues, however, that raising the consumption tax in small increments each year might encourage people to accelerate their spending plans.

参与此项研究的美国依阿华大学神经病学副教授安提奥尼·贝卡拉认为,机能性精神病患者可能是股票市场上的最佳投资者。One of the researchers, Antione Bechara, an associate professor of neurology at the University of Iowa, said the best stock market investors might plausibly be called "functional psychopaths."