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我们可以劝服你们吗?Can we persuade you?

你们最后压服他了吗?Did you finally persuade him?

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让我们相信犹有欢欣。Still persuade us to rejoice.

我尝试涚服他,但没有用。I tried to persuade him but in vain.

我们劝说夏青公开身份。Xia Qing persuade our public identity.

我们无法说服你们让我们走吗Could we not persuade you to let us go?

二个儿子又进一步劝说杨坚。Two sons and further persuade YangJian.

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演讲的学习动机是说服。The speeches motivation was to persuade.

我早就知道你终究会给我说服的。But I knew I should persuade you at last.

你省点力气吧,你是劝不动他的。Save your breath. You'll never persuade him.

你能不能劝劝她和我一起走?Would you please persuade her to go with me?

我们无法说服你们吗“?苏格拉底问说。"Could we not persuade you?" Socrates asked.

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我劝你仔细考虑我们的建议。Can I persuade you to think over our propose.

孙中山下令劝禁缠足。Sun ordered the ban to persuade foot-binding.

他们竭力说服她出庭作伪证。They tried to persuade her to commit perjury.

我们考试大尽力说服她去做,但没有成功。We tried to persuade her to do it but failed.

你能劝她放弃那些愚蠢的计划吗?Can you persuade her out of her foolish plans?

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或者金泰在东俊喝醉时强迫他干的?Or persuade Do-jun to do it when he was drunk?

他希望通过获得机器人学位,能到计划在田纳西州东南部城市查塔努加设厂的大众汽车公司工作。He hopes getting his robotics degree will persuade

他能说服资方采纳他的计划。He was able to persuade capital to adopt his plans.