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菲利浦先生是个生性快活的人。Mr. Phillips was a cheery man.

我是古古鸡,热情有魅力。I am CHEERY ROOSTER, cheery and charming.

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我从来没有见过像她这样爽快的人.I've never met anyone as cheery as she is.

第二天早晨我身穿樱桃红的衣服。The next morning I dressed in cheery colors.

草莓蛋糕,甜甜的、令人开心。Strawberry shortcake – it's sweet and cheery.

他高兴地向我打了一下招呼。He greeted them both with a cheery 'Hullo, hullo!

帕迪看到玛丽·安后高兴地冲她挥挥手。Paddy spotted Mary Ann and gave her a cheery wave.

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新年到拉,祝君新年快乐,天天开心!以下为阿威的回复。A cheery New Year hold lots of happiness for you too!

我很高兴休伯特娶了一个性格活泼的姑娘。I'm glad Hubert married a girl of cheery personality.

如何让上学日子里的早晨平静而愉快。Six tips for keeping school-day mornings calm and cheery.

一位乐呵呵的男子和他们坐在一起吃着饭,“你好,茱莉亚。A cheery man was sitting and eating with them. “Hello Julia.

母羊天生乐观而蜜蜂天生忧郁?Are ewes naturally cheery and bees predisposed to gloominess?

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我上了楼,穿着桃红色的衣服一头载到床上。I went upstairs and with all my cheery clothes on got back into bed.

我们中间有些人就是很自然地比其他人更倾向于乐观开朗。Some of us are just naturally more inclined to be cheery than others.

但是,喜气的装扮并不能掩盖三年级小学生的痛苦和疲惫的双眼。But the third grader's cheery outfit didn't mask her pain and weary eyes.

嘎嘣!欢快的裂壳声像是一片微弱的雷鸣。A cheery crunch, scraps of miniature thunder sound as the shells collapse.

他盖了好几条皮毯子,而且炉子在房间里熊熊地燃烧。He was covered with fur rugs and the stove cast a cheery glow in the room.

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国王走到一颗心安草面前,发现她明亮的笑脸一如从前的欢快。Coming to a heart's-ease, he found its bright face lifted as cheery as ever.

福特声音中的愉悦成分激怒了酒吧男侍的耳朵。The cheery quality of Ford's voice was beginning to grate on the barman's ears.

微微一笑,轻轻挥手告别,或者愉快地对别人说“你好”都是必需的。A simple smile, a gentle wave, or a cheery ‘Hi’ or ‘Hello’ is all that’s required.