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她和杜洛埃的那一段小小的调情现在看来似乎出格了。Her little flirtation with Drouet seemed now an extraordinary thing.

误解、泄密、未偿还的贷款或恶意的调情。A misunderstanding, a betrayed confidence, an unrepaid loan, an ill-conceived flirtation.

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一个误解,一个被泄露的秘密,一笔没有偿还的借款,一次有欠考虑的轻俏之举。A misunderstanding, a betrayed confidence, an underpaid loan, an ill-conceived flirtation.

万圣节并非一向如此可怕,它一度并非吓唬人的节日,更多的是围绕调情展开。Halloween wasn't always so scary. It was once less about fright and more about flirtation.

猥琐的男人看着恋雯来了,就转身和恋雯调情起来。The trivial man seeing at to love Wen to came, turn round and love Wen flirtation to get up.

他们会调情、跳舞,当然也会抱怨来自工作和家庭的压力。There is flirtation and dancing, but there is also bitching about stresses at work or at home.

但是如果你的知己并没有对你的互动、调情和爱意感情,那么,你的心或许应该放下了。But if there is no reciprocation, flirtation or feelings, then your heart might be in for a let down.

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他也因为在电视上不时与女性支持者们讲庸俗笑话和调情而着名。He is also well known for his sometimes vulgar innuendo and flirtation with female supporters -- on live television.

而俄罗斯的中东政策,以及它与中国的亲密关系,也是其追求大国地位的具体表现。But Russia’s policy in the Middle East, and its flirtation with China, are also part of the quest for great-power status.

现在这对处于理智与情感间徘徊的恋人一方面热切地眉来眼去,另一方面,却要面对进退两难的境地。Now, the couple, whose flirtation flies in the face of the sense and sensibility of the age, is faced with a terrible dilemma.

这项名为“世界调情联盟”的调查报告依据女士首先发起进攻的交友记录对20个国家排名。The resulting "World Flirtation League" ranked 20 countries by the number of contacts with a man initiated by the women in each country.

然而,在撒切尔政府于1979年上台后,由于其权力被削减,对国有制的热衷好景不长。The flirtation with State ownership was short-lived, however, as its powers were cut after the election of the Thatcher Government in 1979.

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特朗普轻佻的共和党总统竞选上个月宣布放弃,引起了人们对他参加竞选的目的是为了他的商业利益的猜想。His own flirtation with a Republican presidential campaign ended last month amid speculation it was all intended to jolt his business interests.

我们可以这样认为,雅典人在古代、特别是在柏拉图所描绘的‘会饮’时代完善了自身的调情技巧。It is probably fair to say that the Athenians perfected the art of flirtation in ancient times, especially at the time of symposia described by Plato.

可能不行,让我们听一听纽约Regency酒店的一名职员是怎么说的吧,他表示男性客人经常将她的友善和微笑——这都是工作需要——误解为挑逗。Maybe not, to hear a Regency Hotel employee in NewYork, who says male guests sometimes mistake her friendliness and smiles—whichare job requirements—as flirtation.

产业人士正高度关注戴尔举棋不定的手机事业进展,部分人士则是抱持怀疑态度.公司方面拒绝对此发表评论.Industry pundits are looking with most interest -- and some skepticism -- at the firm's on-again, off-again flirtation with mobile phones. Dell declined to comment.

这种奇怪的动态表明,虽然投资者已经为美国人靠财政上自我牺牲而来的逢场作戏惊恐不已,但对手头的现金,他们实在无法确定应该投向何方。The odd dynamic suggests that though investors are alarmed by America's flirtation with fiscal self-immolation, they're not really sure what else to do with their money.

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球队徘徊于降级区外的窘境令主教练亟需得到一位强力中场。马克·范博梅尔近来突然进入了红军的视线。Their precarious flirtation with the relegation zone has left the manager is desperate need of a midfield enforcer, with Mark van Bommel suddenly coming into the equation.

但是她的母亲却听见了,琼简单的虚荣心在高攀一门婚事的希望落空以后,因此就到女儿被人追求这件事上去寻求感情上的满足。But her mother heard, and Joan's simple vanity, having been denied the hope of a dashing marriage, fed itself as well as it could upon the sensation of a dashing flirtation.

尽管投资人再度青睐股市,打压了债市,但一策略师表示,周期循环中会出现公债和股市一道走强的情况.Even as investors' renewed flirtation with stocks depressed bonds, one strategist said there is a point in the cycle when Treasuries and stocks can do well at the same time.